Legit enjoyed game AND a movie. Not feeling guilty about it.
A solid 2/5, probably doesn't deserve ALL the hate it gets.

I got lucky to discover this game when there was a ton of community mods and fixes and by playing this way I can say that this is one of the best vampire games out there and a great RPG also.

After replaying it again in 2022 got a little disappointed by the need to drive from across the map to a 1 new race and because of the obligation to pump your visual rating to 10 to be able to progress through the story.

Thank you for all the joy you bring me.

Салам играм мэйл ру

I thought people overall disliked this game. Glad to see I was wrong :)

Салам играм мэйл ру

Be sure to try it out if you still haven't!

It's something I'm replaying every year. Also a good decision to put all games in one launcher for convenience.