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RedBackLoggd commented on Dtown's review of The Last of Us Part II: Remastered
Aww, thanks man, I don't even know how to respond. That's so sweet of you to say. That and SOMA are two of my proudest reviews solely because that kinda "deep" analysis of a game is very hard to articulate, and those were the only times I felt I actually succeeded in doing so, so thank you for the recognition, I appreciate it a lot.

I actually never saw the parallels b/w Tommy being shot in the head and Joel being beaten in the head until you brought it up, so ty for that, that's an interesting comparison. I just figured the nightmare she had was the primary instigator, but there was certainly the guilt tripping too.

Unfortunately, I'm still confused as to what you're referring to? Are you saying they should've changed her shooting Tommy in the head, or changed the way Tommy found out her exact location?

23 hrs ago

RedBackLoggd followed Cuby

1 day ago

RedBackLoggd commented on RedBackLoggd's review of Dark Souls: Remastered
@sunkencrayon - I'll get to it eventually. I'd rather play the games in relative order so that I don't get spoiled by the "best" one haha.

1 day ago

RedBackLoggd commented on 2manyW's review of Deathloop
Well, you got a knack for it and it'd be dope if you did it more often :)

Ah, reminds me of the mercenaries from AC Odyssey lol. Yeah, I imagine that'd be annoying haha.

Can she permanently screw the puzzle of beating killing all the foes in a day?

Brother, I'm pretty sure I'm a bigger idiot than you haha, but thanks man for the confidence boost. This game seemed really interesting and has been on my backlog for sometime.

1 day ago

RedBackLoggd commented on 2manyW's review of Rayman
As good a theory as any.

1 day ago

RedBackLoggd commented on IsaacAdept123456's review of Mad Max
No I like Ubi games so I don't mind haha

2 days ago

RedBackLoggd commented on Game_Event_Lists's list 09 June 2024 - Xbox Games Showcase
@Game_Event_Lists - do you mind showing which ones are exclusives?

2 days ago

RedBackLoggd commented on DolorousWthVines's review of Mother 3
What's your username a reference to?

2 days ago

RedBackLoggd commented on 2manyW's review of Deathloop
I had to do a double take to make sure this was you reviewing this haha. Thought you only stuck to retro games.

The Juliana encounters, what makes them bad? I heard you could die up to 3 times so does that alleviate it?

How hard is it to piece together the clues?

2 days ago

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