I would not give this a thumbs down on Steam, but it is very middling. When it's fun, it's very fun, but there's also a lot of frustrating stuff in this game, and overcomplicated powers that don't let you swap between as much as I'd like in a first playthrough.

The combat is so annoying, but the platforming is actually really good and very fun, for what it's worth. Just jump over every enemy you can. Problem is the boss fights are like half the game, and might as well not even exist. Also the story is a DeviantArt webcomic but that's good or bad depending on your perspective.

Huge improvement in every way over the original

I didn't feel the need to replay this, but I loved it. Plays great, and incredible atmosphere.


I don't like the music or the story in this game, and aspects of playing it aren't very fun. But the open world is good, the swinging is good.

There were times I thought I wasn't that into this, then I saw Ending E.

Its great, it has everything, it's just really nice

It's really good, but for whatever reason I don't really see myself wanting to play it again or through the post game.

My least favourite in the series. Still a great game

Haven't played a Smash game in years until this, it's hard not to get caught up in its infectious enthusiasm for all games

Replayed recently and it holds up better than I had thought it would

I wish it was easier to get people into this game, because Endwalker and Shadowbringers elevate the whole package so high.