Kieran... my man..

This is it, huh? No more real content after this for Pokemon Scarlet.. WHY IS TIME GOING SO DAMN FAST AHH-

Anyway, I really enjoyed this. I'm going to admit something that I had probably already mentioned before but - I haven't played all the Pokemon games, yet. And here I am calling myself a fan... I will get to them I promise!!

The reason I mentioned that is because I haven't played Gen5 games yet.. so uh, imagine my surprise when I figured out the Battle themes for Pokemon and the Trainer were from the original Black and White games lol
If only I could also feel how nostalgic everyone else were

Anyway, the story was great!! The characters were charming as usual - especially Kieran and Lacey. The things you can do after is meh, too much damn effort for the BB points lmao
I really do like that they brought back Legendaries yet again for us to catch! And they FUCKING HAVE THEIR ORIGINAL STYLE THEMES with them.. that is so epic.

I keep getting off-track. Yes, the DLC is good but then it drops so whatever. A nice bow to a really off-putting game in the franchise.. like it's good in story and perhaps battle elements but damn do the bugs/how ugly it looks will forever haunt this title..

This game was hard as balls bruh

When DLC came out for Pokemon Shield - I really enjoyed it! And maybe.. even more than the main game?! Well, the Crown Tundra would - the Isle of Tower was alright.

And yet again, this may be the case for Pokemon Scarlet (besides Area Zero, that arc is on par with this DLC).
Maybe it's because of recency bias, but I LOVED The Teal Mask DLC!! Kitakami was fun to explore and it's great the game let me do so before even starting the main story for this DLC! (Those Fly markers were really handy when the story told me I had to go to X place lol)

Kieran and Carmine are great characters, really well written, and an amazing additon to Pokemon Scarlet. And this may be minor spoilers, but I'm glad Part 2 will include them again! I had so much fun, and Ogerpon was super cute! Glad I got revenge for her by defeating the Lousy- I mean Loyal Three!

Yo!! A new Pokemon game as usual, huh? It comes right after Pokemon SwSh, a game I'm fond of.

This game was a mess of bugs when it came out LOL, but as usual it was pretty fun to play. The gameplay is as usual, more streamlined than even SwSh was, which is appreciated. What's not appreciated is that the game is BOGGED down by HOW RUSHED IT IS!!

It's a good Pokemon game, but the story is fucking fantastic. Area Zero is something they really nailed. The whole thing was mystical and I appreciated it. However, besides the main protags, the other characters and Gym leaders were meh and not as memorable as SwSh. And while the open world is such an upgrade, the whole map is all kinda meshed and not memorable like Legends Arceus.

Not to mention, because it's rushed - and TPCi started meddling more into public perception - the game.. has an unusal amount of uglyness to it especially the NPCs LMFAO
Does Spain just have ugly folks??
Let's not get that for the next game, please.

Overall though, I had plenty of fun! The main legendaries were cool. The music rocks which is expected!

A remake of the first in the series! It's a classic for a reason.. and that means the game will be really simple lol

I enjoyed it for what it is. And while it doesn't compare to the games that come after it, it shouldn't be anyway. On its own, the adventure was rather quick, heated, and memorable.

My favorite or nearly near favorite of all time! :)

Yes, this really new Pokemon game that - while a main game - isn't a traditional one, turned out to be AMAZING. And it was really a true remake of Pokemon Dppt! The lore extended it furthermore and after having just played BDSP was just icing on the cake (maybe too much, hey I'm not complaining)!

I loved the semi-open world, and the restriction of needing to choose a map before you explore helps it set the theming for each area. Don't get me started on the story! It's still Pokemon but it was really unique! I loved all the characters, and the main villain was so fucking cool (wait, but he's the bad guy-)

Catching Pokemon here was never a bore and I enjoyed completing the Dex in order to go against Arceus. This game was amazing to just play so much late nights for. The asthetic was superb and so was the music.

I'm already nostalgic for it... what a fucking game, and you should play it! I knew when they announced it and when the music leaked that it would be good :)

First time experiencing Diamond and Pearl (didn't play the Original DS games, I already knew of the announcement for BDSP so I held off that idea.)

Now, I get the gripes of other fans on this game. It's totally... re-imagined but.. it lacks creativity? It's just a worse looking counterpart to the originals, not to mention it doesn't cover Platinum content - if at all.

However, the gameplay and story is exactly the same - which for fans hoping for a "remake" will dislike, however for new fans or those who never played the originals, is PERFECT - that type of person is me lol
It's an easier way to experience Diamond and Pearl with an "enhancement" of sorts not to mention it is on the Switch, so easily accessible. Because of this, I myself enjoyed it a lot. While Emerald's story was fun to go through - and none of each story in a Pokemon game is "bad" per se - Dppt's story had me really intrigued and the legendaries were great to catch!

After playing Pokemon Shield, well... I wanted to get into Pokemon!

Before I get into Emerald: At this point, I started to get into TCG - not for playing it, but because I enjoy collecting it. It was because of Shield for igniting and finally keeping the flame going (I did TCG of Pokemon before as a kid and tried to get into the series but never did.)

Because of Pokemon Shield, which I really loved playing and got me soooo hooked on Pokemon (the itch to play all the games kept growing so much when giving myself permission to listen a bit to the series' games OSTs) I decided my second game should be Pokemon Emerald - since most of my OST favs up until that point came from it lol

So here we are! This game was grindy and hard as FUCK... but it was a genuine good time :)
I LOVE the atmosphere you get from the game design, the melodies in these wonderful songs, and from going around the world as you go through this grand adventure. No wonder people who played this when they were kids get really nostalgic for it!

And so, after finishing Emerald - I fully became a true Pokemon fan, I played more games down the line - appreciated the TCG, the music, its composers, the artwork, the various stories and lore, the 'mons and design, and Pokemon's history in general down the line.

I will never be the same without Pokemon. What a truly amazing, and both underappreciated and overrated series hah. (Hey.. wait a minute, isn't this 'sposed to be an Emerald revie-)

Toby Fox you sonnavbitch (jk).. you did it again. I was REALLY surprised when he announced he will release the second chapter, backtracking slightly on his release plan before! But I am glad, more Deltarune content baby!

Great as usual, just makes me want to play the whole thing when it comes out already..

Holy FUCK Takumi wrote an Ace Attorney game after so long, and it's good as always?!?!

I wrote before that TT or AJ was number one in best Ace Attorney games? I honestly think THIS prequel duology might take the cake. Or rather it's reaaaally close to it. It at least def takes the spot of number three from Investigations 2 that I'd marked earlier.

Anyway.. what do I think of the game? The characters were fun and memorable. You get invested in every single one, you really cannot NOT do so. The music... damn those composers were amazing. They set the tone of the late 1880s so right, with a blend of European and Japanese instrumentation.
The story.. how can Takumi keep track and make sure it all goes smoothly? Because he does an amazing job with it.

I HIGHLY recommend playing this really, really, great game. Even if you aren't an Ace Attorney fan. (Though I still recommend playing Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright, first!)

This is really tying to be my favorite Final Fantasy game. GOD, it's so hard to choose between this and VII (and I still have yet to play IX!).

Battle system could use some work, and this was a grindy-ass game - but I forgive it all due to the emotional story, in-depth characterization and kick-ass/masterfully composed music it had!
Plus, even if it was grindy, it was still super fun to battle enemies! This also had some customization to your characters, which I always love - though not as much as the Materia system in VII.

All, in all - one of my favorite games as well!

Yay, more DDLC content!

I really enjoyed the base game, and was glad to replay it. God, the memories that come with it!

What's new is more lore (in a meta form), and side stories on a timeline where Monika DOESN'T have her knowledge of our world, and this being a game.

The side stories kicked me hard, btw. Sure, it had some preachy moments, but they were genuine nonetheless and you could really feel the connection and warmth the characters had for one another.

I never really cared to play this game, nor the franchise - however, when Sephiroth came to Smash Ultimate - and I enjoyed listening to the track 'One Winged Angel' - I took another chance to it.

And BOY am I so glad I did! This really became one of my favorites games of my list. Which I thought was more or less completed. Goes to show you never know!

The story and characters ('cept Tifa, fuck you) were fantastic, and the music was masterfully composed. The battle system was really fun, but what I really enjoyed most was the Materia system. That gave players soo much choice over the characters, and is top-tier leveling system right there!

It was released on Switch, so I got it. First English, main title release for the Nintendo platform, too!

It's pretty fun. Creative fighting game concepts. I wish this was more played often, and promoted to the big leagues. Heavily underrated. I would be an avid player, if it weren't for the fact no one I know plays it.

Gotta say, I loved that there was more content for Pkmn SwSh! Really wanted to keep playing and this gave plenty with what I wanted to do. I loved both the DLCs, the story and characters were fun. It was all open world this time, too. Pretty cool.