Classic FPS. With the advancement of how action packed the Doom series became this game has a little less action in comparison. Very fun still.


Ruined the established formula. Focused on being nothing more than mobile garbage when the series is seriously so charming and fun. PopCap has ruined their reputation now.


Good atmosphere, kind of dogshit gameplay. Ammo runs out constantly and multiple bullet sponge enemies do not help. Has a lot going for it but kind of misses the mark.


Early access has hurt this game so much that the graphics will look so terrible when it releases sometime in 2024-2027 (if even). Gameplay is kind of fun if you like survival craft.


AI was very ahead of it's time. Gameplay is great and gory due to bullet time mechanic. Horror aspect is kind of lacking but gameplay makes up for it.


Nostalgic RPG. Very cozy sixth gen vibe in places like Traverse Town. Story is all over the place but interesting. Combat is very fun.


Incredibly revolutionary FPS. Paved the way for worldbuilding in games like Deus Ex and basically created the modern iteration of enemy AI due to their callouts mid-battle.


Very dark themes of death that make me very sad. Forms a relationship with the player that makes the ending sting a lot. Love this game.


Incredibly revolutionary, just like Half-Life. Introduced an actually good physics engine to gaming with the Source engine. Great story and visuals that hold up to this day.


Very good first entry. Very fun once you get the hang of it, very few areas feel unfair (with exceptions for Blighttown, Sen's Fortress, and the specific part of Anor Londo with the archers).

Actually such a good prequel it's unreal. It's not like other prequels where you have to play half of the series first to avoid spoilers, you could play this first or sixth and it'd be great.

Bosses were okay. Royal Wood is one of those areas that are open and because of that, FromSoft feels the need to place 100 enemies around, making it """super fun""" to run through when running to the boss. Not a terrible DLC, just lacks a lot of what made DS1 so good.


Whereas the first game felt hard but fair, this game is hard and unfair.

Wonderful game, but content takes too long to pump out and usually isn't worth the wait.