It is kinda fun, but so empty and also easy while having some mildly infuriating gameplay design decisions.

I have some grievances with some of the puzzles/areas and having to repeat things often because of messing up platforming and I bounced off of it twice and after took long breaks a few times because of feeling lost, but I still just can't deny this game is amazing and anyone that likes exploration or detective games should play it, if need be with some help from the reddit community that gives great hints without spoiling.

It was fun, the goo-removing just is really satisfying and the world was nice to explore, but the gameplay definitely is kinda limited and the story rather simple, though I really liked the two main character's voice acting and general dynamic. If it had been much longer I might not have finished it, but as is it was good for me.

I was so looking forward to this and it just turned out as a game with for me terrible point-and-click adventure problems where you just need to try all kinds of stuff without any real plan. Maybe it's my own fault to some degree too, but it made it not too fun. Especially combined with having to do 8 minutes of the same stuff again and again just to get 30 seconds more of new content all the time.
And don't even get me started on the ending....

It was fun while it lasted, looks gorgeous and the storytelling with basically just two people talking to each other on a walkie-talkie worked really nicely. Looking back on it, for me personally the story is somewhat flawed however, just some things that happened just don't really make much sense to me once you have all information in the end

It is definitely a lot of fun and all the different worlds are so beautiful to look at and run around in, but there are some caveats too. Most things are rather easy, especially boss fights, and the story has some beats that feel really out of place (vacuum, elephant and moles is all I'll say to not spoil anything)

Although the game is almost completely linear, it made me feel like it wasn't all the time. It made me feel like I was actually solving a case by looking around for clues and talking to people about them. And everything about its looks and sounds seems kinda simple at first but it all just comes together so well, I loved it!

The idea is cute and there are some funny moments, but overall the gameplay to me honestly was kind of boring and somewhat janky.

Some puzzles felt kinda random, the hints were not always clear, and some were a bit easy, but overall most of them were fun to solve, also because exploring the spaces was always really interesting. The finale of the story felt a bit weird to me to be honest, but it certainly was an interesting story overall and the way you find out about it step by step was done really well. And some monumental moments will probably always stay in my mind.

It's not perfect, it could use some weapon variety or more interesting combat in general, but it looks gorgeous, the worlds are fun to explore (although a map would be nice), the combat is serviceable, the characters are cool/funny/interesting and it just overall was a pleasure to play.

To be honest, I kinda bounced off of this game the first time at the end of the first world, because a lot of the puzzles seemed too hard and I had to look up hints a few times.
A few years later however, I started it from the beginning a second time and fell in love with it. It's simply an amazing puzzle game.