This used to the online addiction of the early 2000's among a group of PC gamers. It was fun grinding for better equipment to an extent, the game didn't really excel much in terms of graphics or gameplay but it was still a fun time while it lasted.

A solid entry in the series lacking the horsepower of its Wii U counterpart. With that being said, it's Smash and it offers the typical Nintendo fan service fest with a myriad of characters and stages that cover Nintendo's history. Online play was not the best.

A very good take on A Link to the Past showing that "2D-classic-over the top view" modern Zelda games still have their place and can provide new concepts and fun.

The renting mechanic was a bit weird but added variety to the gameplay, as well as the paintings and wall mechanics. As a huge fan of ALTTP, this was very fun to visit and enjoy what it had to offer. You can't really go wrong with these classic type of Zelda games.

This game showed some advancements in terms of graphics and improved online gameplay but the core basics of the series is there, for better or for worse. I felt like this game tried to do something more elaborate and involved in terms of the story providing some past historical events in the Pokemon universe.

One of the most fun online multiplayer games I've played; this was my gateway drug to the Battlefield series which are easily my most played games of all time in terms of hours.

While Bad Company 2 does not have have some of the advanced techniques and QOL of later titles such as prone, side running movements, etc. it does offer incredibly well-designed levels such as Panama Canal that provide fun multiplayer sessions whether you play they classic Conquest or Rush modes.

The single-player is surprisingly fun and well put together with likable and humorous characters and considering these modes are more often than not an afterthought from developers since the meat and potatoes of these games is the online multiplayer.

Another fantastic entry in the Battlefield games featuring modern warfare and for the first time ever in consoles, high-count maps in the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

The single player is below average (as somewhat expected) but online is where the fun is at, especially when playing with friends and/or clan members.

This game takes on the classic Mario formula but adds the Virtual Boy features to have its own flavor and gameplay elements. I really enjoyed the use of depth in this game and the overall presentation. Unfortunately, the game does get repetitive and rather hard quickly.

Cool concept offering a 3D shmup via a "virtual" console but the gameplay was very slow and not very polished.

Additionally, I'm not the biggest fan of transparent wired-frame polygonal games, and coupled with the red and black looks of the Virtual Boy, it ended up being somewhat of a disappointment.

One of the highlights of the Virtual Boy system. Loved the theme and graphics/animation that the game offered despite the obvious red and black nature of the graphics.

I played Mario Tennis for the Virtual Boy back in 1995 via the Blockbuster console rental system along with some other games. I remember being blown away by the "virtual' red and black graphics and enjoying the game despite not being the best tennis game in terms of gameplay. I enjoyed the Mario/Mushroom Kingdom-themed backgrounds and the 3D effect that Virtual Boy provided.

I now own this game (Japanese version) as a collectible and cherish my time playing this back in the day.

My first proper entry into the Monster Hunter series, this game has a steep learning curve but once you learn the ropes it becomes incredibly addicting and you are always going after "just one more" monster hunt.

Devil's Third is the type of game where you need to know what to expect a bit in advance in order to get full enjoyment out of it. The game is glitched, rushed, and quite frankly doesn't control or perform well at all; however, the cheesy story and over-the-top action in the gameplay and silliness in the story make up for a decent time.

It's quite obvious this game does not take itself too seriously but that's fine and adds charm to the game.

This is one of my favorite Yoshi games overall, period. The look, feel and presentation of this game are out of this world with carefully crafted characters and backgrounds that immerse players in an artsy and crafty world. However, the best thing about this game is that it has a great level design to back up the wonderful art direction, with levels that offer different platforming challenges and are varied in their themes to keep things fresh throughout the whole game.

A must-have and must-play if you enjoy side-scrolling platformers.

I enjoyed the concept of this game when it was released in 2015. The paint mechanic was a welcome and innovative addition to break up the standard point-and-shoot type of gameplay from most online shooters in the market.

The single-player mode is short and designed around the different types of paint mechanics that the game offers. It's actually an enjoyable short experience with one of the most memorable final boss fights out there.

Games are about having fun and Mario Kart 8 delivers in all fronts providing one of the best kart racers in gaming. Graphics, performance, controls, track design, unlockables, and fun factor are all top notch and have that Nintendo seal of quality.