Someone should make a sequel to this game someday.

Y'all I'm sorry I know Shadow's cool but it's just not that good of a game

There's like 2 good levels

The single player is kinda whatever but the multiplayer KICKS ASS

There's kind of no reason to play this game now when Celeste exists and is basically "what if this game was better"

It's fine. Kinda never really understood the fuss. It's pretty? The online stuff is... cool, I guess? Iunno.

I feel like this game went from being super overrated to kind of underrated. It's good! It is a good, solid game, and I like to play it.

Oh hey someone figured out how to make a solid Sonic game in the first time in like 20+ years, neat

You're just such a fuckin' cop in these games. They put a bad taste in my mouth in a way they didn't a decade ago.

Anyone who thinks they have an interesting take on Wii Sports in 2020 is a liar.

This is the worst Smash by like, default, but it's still great.

This game's got a very cool premise and it, y'know, sort of executes on it well.

There kinda just isn't a bad smash game.

I've really fallen out of love with Mass Effect lately. As a teen/young adult I really didn't pick up on how reactionary these games are. Like, the plot of ME2 is that a white supremacist organization wants you to save humanity from a mindless foreign horde that's doing a Great Replacement on us, but no one will believe the white supremacists because they always say the foreign hordes are doing a Great Replacement on us but this time it's real so c'moooon help pwease? And everyone's favorite buddy Garrus is a cop-ass fuckhead who just wants to kill people without having to feel bad about it. Fuck this game. Vanguard charge still rules though.

This game's so stupid that it wraps back around to being genius.