Screw rockstar for not porting it to pc, I was really hoping to play an official version of the game, but playing it on xbox 360 emulator was still a good experience. It's horrible to see rockstar selling the exact same game on ps4 for 2x the price of the game when it was initially released. I knew r* was lazy to remaster it but this game deserved it, like not just for visual and gameplay reasons but also like for enhancing the story experience by adding dialogues and character references from rdr 2 and make it a supplement to the sequel.

About the game, it's got pretty standard rockstar/gta style of pacing till Dutch's final encounter, after that everything is just near perfect. John's death has to be one of the most tragic and heartbreaking death in any video game, like all bro wanted to do was part ways with his old lifestyle and be a loving husband and a father, only to be cunningly played by the law.
But it was a bit underwhelming to see the fate of well fleshed out characters from the 2nd game namely Dutch, Javier and Bill. Dutch was one of the best part of rdr 2, he was a pretty complex and intriguing character with the best 'slow descent into madness' character arc I've ever seen. In this he's pretty one note and the showdown between him and John is pretty underwhelming, like him running off like that and finally jumping off the hill, the Dutch I knew from RDR 2 had a massive god complex to even think of doing something like that in his final moments. Had there been a remaster they could have added dialogues about him repenting about what his decisions did to the gang and everything but shame. Bill was just Bill but Javier was such an honorable and loyal person in RDR 2, he's the literal opposite in the original, cowardly, disloyal and almost giving away info about Dutch. It's like he's a different character all together. The showdown between Edgar Ross and Jack Marston was pretty underwhelming as well, felt like they could have added more dialogues and a longer cutscene with him and Jack, it just felt like a ? mission, nothing more. Their whole interaction could have been more fleshed out. Also the dialogues and voice acting in this game is not as good as it's sequel.
It might seem like I'm ranting about the game and hate it but no I genuinely feel like this was one of rockstar's best games even if all they do is making bangers after bangers, solidly written, fun to play with one of the most baddest characters ever and one of the best character death ever. Red Dead Redemption 2 is objectively the better game, but RDR had to walk so that RDR 2 could run.

"I miss the fresh corpses."
-John Marston

Hot Take: I think it was fun but not even close to being as good as Resident Evil 2 Remake, RE2 was a claustrophobic, anxiety inducing masterpiece in all of horror media. RE4 on the other hand is just a fun action horror game. Also don't know if it's because it's more action oriented, the inventory management in RE4 felt way more forgiving than RE2 and I played both of those games on Standard difficulty, it's like you'd never fall short on ammo. Should definitely try a higher difficulty mode next time. And the boss fights don't hit as hard as RE2, especially the last one which felt pretty lame.

After playing this I really need Tenet adapted into a game helmed by Remedy. Pretty unique stuff here for a video game. It's got some of the best world building potential I've seen in a game. Gameplay is a bit clunky and it's another abysmal pc port but the story kept me engaged throughout, like yeah the tv show could've used better writing and depth, even then it maintains a solid ambiguity throughout. Also like how you're in a weird dilemma at the end of each Act playing as the antagonist making choices, it's like you ponder if you wanna make a choice that's favourable to the current character that you're controlling (Antagonist) or screw him over since he's the antagonist and since you mostly see yourself playing the protagonist and support his actions. Act 4 is amazing, like it barely had anything to offer gameplay wise and Jack/Beth were too dumb to let Amaral change the coordinates like that, but everything post that, those bits in 2010 were amazing. The combat system is innovative but because the gunplay is so trash, the combat at times doesn't feel satisfying. The story when I completed felt like a decent time travel fiction that deserved to be experienced, but after I watched this one YT video that puts all the events in a chronological order, I was amazed at the detail the story had outside the cutscenes, like the story we saw in the form of cutscenes, dialogues and tv episodes were just a fragment, cuz there was so many hidden details in the form of intel and documents that you could optionally find. My jibe here is they could have integrated all that story, mystery about Shifters, Martin Hatch, Kim, the end of time into the main game content instead of dispersing it into collectibles even more so when they had the luxury of playing a tv episode after every Act. When I played the game I skimmed through all these docs without paying much attention and this YouTube video by "YourFavouriteSon" caught me up with brief details about those content. This game definitely deserves a sequel and is a really interesting one. I feel like Remedy has made amazing games so far, with no misses yet as I'm still due to play Control and Alan Wake 2. Also yeah the boss fight at the end was abysmal. Who knew Xbox had one of the best exclusives. Massively underrated game. I also recommend on watching that YT video by "YourFavouriteSon" once you're done with the playthrough.

Absolutely loved it, they nailed the setting, dialogues, story everything. But I do feel the story could've been longer, now I know the story is narrated in the form of a confession and normally in a confession you wouldn't go around narrating every damn detail about what happened to you, but this game left me wanting more, like you know we could have spent more time seeing Tom's relationship with the gang build, Salieri's response to everything. The heist bit with Paulie felt a tad too rushed but the plot twist was so good it made me forget about that at that moment. The gunplay is a bit eh but it wont get you out of the immersion that's for sure. All that being said I got chills down my spine when Vito and Joe show up to smoke older Tommy. And I feel like Mafia 2 takes the cake when it comes to characters and the whole mafia vibe but this is spectacular too. Having recently played Red Dead Redemption, Tommy's ending feels way more of a happy ending. Great game, hope we get a new sequel soon 🤞🏼 and yeah the race mission had me scratching my head for an hour or so.

Liked it. Felt like playing an action movie, massive improvement over the first game. I had a bad experience with the last 2 chapters because of me messing up the configuration of the emulator. Had to play those chapters at a staggering average of 10 fps, it was hard to aim and the enemies were tougher, but I somehow pulled through. Barring that I think the game was amazing, they improved on literally everything, the dialogues, humour, action set pieces and pacing. The story was still goofy tho, did not hook me one bit. Would love to play it again but only if the experience was more stable. Don't know if I'll ever buy a Playstation but I really hope sony makes a pc port for all their classic games.

Man I really loved the gameplay, it felt fresh and absolutely fun. Huge improvements when it comes to gunplay and gameplay mechanics over Remedy's previous release Quantum Break. Oddly enough the gameplay was very reminiscent of all the superhero powers you had in Saints Row 4 but way better. Also game has some of the best setpieces, I was rendered speechless during the whole Ashtray Maze segment, easily the best part of the game. Side missions had better boss varieties and generously rewarded skill points. I liked the navigation in the game, having to look at sign boards instead of the game pointing it out to you, but that still didnt stop me from abusing the control points to fast travel between locations. also its kinda frustrating how you end up next to the nearest control point instead of a standard checkpoint system resuming close by to where u died. Its frustrating because of the fact that you have to travel long distances usually from the control point to the mission location. Visually the game was gorgeous to look at, ray tracing feature was fine but its like it wouldnt have bothered me if I had kept it on off with SSAO. And since I had RT on, I did experience frame drops in certain locations sometimes touching as low as a 24 fps avg, but for the most part the game ran smooth with 60-70 fps even at parts when the game couldnt have looked more gorgeous. But I did have this issue of blurry textures, no matter what setting texture filtering was set to, luckily could fix that issue owing to a youtube video.
Again I couldnt stress enough about how fun the gameplay was, how exciting it was to fight, die and learn, they really addressed and improved on Quantum Break's disappointing gameplay. But at the same time I couldnt care enough to pay attention to the story, like QB Remedy did a good job here as well when it comes to presenting the lore in the form of video, documents and other collectibles, but the story just did not feel good to me. The dialogues, inner monologues of Jesse needed better writing as well. And the ending was a bit anti climatic as well, having found the game so fun for its gameplay, I could also not wait for the game to be done, thats how underwhelming the latter part of the game is. But thats not to say they were lethargic to tell a good story, it did have potential, it just feels like it lacked proper presentation. I hope the Story next time around with the sequel is good and now onto the DLCs and Alan Wake. Remedy's got a S tier catalogue with games like Control, Quantum Break and Max Payne 3. I feel like after playing these 2 games, Remedy's got to be the best developers when it comes to Sci-fi games. After watching that Tenet esque side mission where Jesse fights an alternate version of herself, I would literally cream if Christopher Nolan collaborates with Remedy to make a Sci-fi game.

Massive improvement over the base game, loved the story, prefer Songbird's path over Reed's but all in all a solid experience with all the endings, Songbird's path felt way more satisfying even though you end up killing reed, then again Reed's path had different exciting missions, the robot encounter was pretty amazing. It's really amazing how the game still manages to make you feel bad for Songbird, even though she's narcissistic, disregarded, betrayed everyone around her for her own good. Writing really works this time around for the most part. Now with the Secret Ending "Things done changed", I liked this ending as well, felt very bittersweet, but the fact that so much changes in everyone's life in a span of just 2 years makes it seem a bit far fetched, but still it was pretty sad to see Johnny leave like that. Panam's reaction to that didn't make sense, you see in the credits that one of her friends from the badlands asks V not to call her and stuff, I don't really think it's all justified there, V was in a coma. Other than that every ending had this vibe of you've reached your destination but at what cost, and it was all pretty good.
Now with the gameplay, I feel like the police overhaul didn't do much, apart from adding max tac and a few dialogues for when you're wanted. I could still flee a 3 star cop chase withing 20 seconds if I was on foot, but I'd still take this over what they had to offer before the upgrade. Vehicle combat was cool and stuff but you don't really get anything to do with the feature when you're on the main quests. Not to mention I had random fps drops on parts of dog town even if those places looked inferior to night city. The skill tree was an improvement, you could now have different kinds of finishers and it all felt great, made the gameplay way more engaging, but the relic skill tree was underwhelming, you didn't have much to do with that. Other than that, I feel like it was a good decision to remove bullet spongy enemies, idk if they actually did that cuz I played the dlc with 50 street cred maxed up V. So like the enemies feel less of a chore to beat and more fun, the main story of Phantom Liberty had some really amazing enemy encounters. Don't know why but Johnny felt like a side character in this, he'd simple just pass comment on stuff, nothing really good to add about. And about bugs I faced more bugs in 2.0 than 1.6 but they weren't really immersion breaking, but I did see moments where the game could use some patching, Takemura shows up in the end credit scene, even though he was dead in my playthrough. Pretty solid experience even better than the main game might I say. And yeah the soundtrack was marvelous.

Phantom Liberty was a sweet excuse to play the endings from the main game that I didn't play initially and I gotta say (don't) fear the reaper was one of the most badass missions I've played, I was able to grab a save file from Nexus mods where V says "the man who saved my life' instead of something else when asked about Johnny. But the epilogue for that ending is kinda bland, where V goes into outer space to do some suicidal mission involving a Casino, that part didn't really keep me engaged. The other ending I played was siding with Hanako/Saburo, and that I will say creeped the hell out of me, it had a pretty bleak theme, and I heard somewhere that some of the note/documents revealed that the engrams were meant for the Arasakas to analyse and extract useful data from those souls, not to keep them immortal or transfer it to a human body. Saburo taking over his son's body was haunting as well. Makes me think that the game is better than I remember, but I still think that the whole alt Cunningham, voodo boys part really hampered the pacing of the story, and this might be a hot take but the story is amazing when V is at focus not Johnny and co. Also I know the Adam Smasher boss fight is a joke, but I can't help but get riled up everytime I face him cuz of what happens in the anime. I can't wait to play witcher 3 which is widely considered superior than Cyberpunk narratively.

For the record I only played this to test out fsr frame generation and it's a bit underwhelming.

Played the game with a friend and since he had to shelve it halfway through, I had to finish it on YouTube. The story is just okay, liked the plot twist but it makes the story feel illogical looking back, cuz there are so many moments early on and later on where Vincent has a clear chance of apprehending Leo. Then again did like the ending all things considered. Very unique experience even if the pacing was a bit off, wish there were more games like this on coop with a fleshed out narrative. Good game 👍🏼. Team Leo all the way even if I played as Vincent💪.

Another Remedy W. Passable story but it's got some of the most fun gameplay mechanics, and I have to say the evade button is frustrating af, half of the time it would get u hit/killed even if you time it properly. Love the eerie atmosphere, feel like the kind of game you shouldn't rush through, instead like play an episode every 2 days. Could've been a bit shorter tho cuz I felt like it slightly dragged on a bit at the end. The remastered version is awful ngl, filled with glitches and audio issues and it's not even that much of a visual overhaul compared to the og, next time I decide to revisit the game it's definitely going to be the original. And yeah eager to see what Remedy has cooked for Alan Wake 2.

Binge played this pulling an all nighter, it's goofy fun but can get very frustrating without the use of cheats, idk how people played the original version without using any cheats, I couldn't be that patient for this game. Also there's a lot of mission breaking bugs in the game and Grove Street Games haven't touched the base game let alone fix it, it's basically just adding glowing textures, they haven't fixed any of the bugs issues from the og games, instead gave us even more bugs/glitches to deal with. The least they could've done is give us proper checkpoints/auto save feature, even that is half assed as there's only a checkpoint when u begin a mission not throughout the mission, while that can be excused most of the time since the missions don't take that long, but there are some annoying missions that would've felt a lot better if there was a checkpoint. Using cheats is fun, running down pedestrians in the 3d trilogy is far more fun, goofier and therapeutic than GTA V or GTA IV, the sound effects of their bodies getting squished is really satisfying and nostalgic for some reason and another goofy factor to this is the civilians keep running into your vehicle to die even if you don't intend to crash onto them. Overall I don't think many would have the patience to enjoy this one, it's still fun and is the starting point of whatever gta is rn but it's extremely dated and story is bland as well, don't expect something like 4 or SA.