It was only on chapter 11 or new game+ specifically that I discovered that you could kill most of the enemies easily if you aim at their limbs instead of their head, I did not pay attention to that specific dialogue in chapter 1 where they mention about this. Loved the game. Did not overstay it's welcome at all. Would've preferred to take my sweet time finishing it, but my ea play subscription was about to expire so I had to binge play the last 5-6 chapters in a day. Didn't pay much attention to the story/lore so can't comment on that but it was exceptional when it came to setting up that survival horror atmosphere/tone. The audio design was excellent as well. The gameplay did not feel repetitive one bit, just wish the inventory UI was handled better, it was a pain to switch between guns because of this. And yeah some of those anti gravity parts sucked tbh, hampered the pacing of the game. The performance was bad like it used to stutter a lot even if it maintained good fps, the graphics is good but there was a aliasing/image shimmering problem with the game no matter how high the settings are with or without upscaling. Overall an amazing game, perfectly adopts that resident evil formula in a eerie sci-fi setting.

Okay, this was kinda amazing. The story presentation and style is where the game (and remedy always) excels at. The gameplay is the same as the first but it's slow paced to fit the survival horror vibe, the first game was more fun wrt gameplay but it didn't have that survival horror element to it, it was just goofy takens running towards you and you blasting them one by one. I kinda understand the idea of having this slow paced approach to the gameplay, enemies felt way more satisfying to kill as they were made to feel more terrifying, I used to lose my shit everytime I encountered a wolf in this game. Alan's part was kinda draggy, it felt like they wanted it to be shorter but at the same making it shorter would bring unwanted criticisms like people complaining about Saga having more playtime than the titular character. Alan's part peaked with the Herald of Darkness mission, after that it the theatre and hotel sequences didn't really match up to it. Saga's gameplay and story felt better imo but one complaint I have is naming one of the chapters as Scratch before the Scratch reveal and the ending chapters didn't have to be that long, now this where the game starts being a 'Walking Simulator' with hardly anything interesting going on, they could have made a neat cutscene or live action sequence instead. The art direction is just out of the world, and it was really expected from remedy after what I witnessed in the ashtray maze sequence from Control. The acting was great and RIP James McCaffrey, you nailed the role of playing both Alex Casey and Max Payne, can't imagine the Max Payne remakes without your majestic voice.

Talking about the performance on pc, I have to say the game's poorly optimised in the forest section despite the graphics looking that good, there were a lot of texture bugs, the same sort of issues I faced in control and the frame generation feature made the game clunky and unresponsive at some crucial parts of the game.

Overall the game is fantastic and is a massive improvement over the first game especially when it comes to story presentation, remedy really cooked with this like always. W studio imo has 0 Ls, worst case scenario; if they don't provide you a good story they back it up with a good gameplay and vice versa(Control and Quantum Break respectively). I need a Christopher Nolan Collab with remedy ASAP. Imagine the potential of a RemedyXNolan project.

The boss designs are bullshit, the bullet sponge is the biggest out of nearly every game I've played, enemy ai is abysmal but the co-op experience I got out of it was absolutely wonderful. Game made me and my homie capitalise/exploit on each weakspot and bug and coordinate in almost every shitty situation the game put us in. Games pretty monotonous, lengthy and I'd suggest people take their time completing it instead of rushing it cuz there's no point in doing so, there's hardly any Innovative mission design, but the bullet sponges and overdose of enemies force you to make effective plans to win the situation you're put in, so that's a really good thing about the game, despite it being grindy af like every other Tom clancy coop game. Ubisoft makes the best brain rot coop games that you can simply have fun , be it the far cry games or the Tom clancy franchise. Game wouldve been more fun if they had usable vehicles like Wildlands instead of running mindlessly for more than one km and get shot to death out of no where. One thing I like more about this is there were no game breaking bugs like in Wildlands.

R.I.P BT-7274. You were a real one.

This was such a great game. I had no idea going into this game I'd love it so much. My Brain wasn't braining for the most part trying to control two characters at the same time but what an outstanding game it was.

Goated game but the co-op servers were absolutely trash, hindered the experience a bit. But the game itself is slept upon and the art style is mad impressive. Gorgeous looking game. Heroic difficulty is absolutely brutal but somehow made it to the end.

The Hype for the game is completely justified, what an experience. The best part of the game is it's unforgiving at every moment but you're given the opportunity to read all the movesets and try to defeat the bosses. So everytime you die you not only die with frustration but also die knowing something new to deal with the boss and you really get the best kind of dopamine each time you defeat these bosses. You're also given the freedom to fight however the hell you want. Every main boss is uniquely designed with their own set of brutal but awesome move sets. The larger enemies are kind of tedious to fight, they look awesome, the setpieces are visually gorgeous but most of the time they're not as fun as the other enemies who are more challenging and at the same time more fun. Also I really wish the game had a feature where you could replay all these bosses without entering someone else's world. Story wise, I did feel disconnected throughout but I don't think it even matters all that much since it more than makes up for it with the gameplay. Another problem I had with the game is how locked away most of the main bosses are, the game really wants to explore every nook and cranny of its extremely vast open world but it's really hard to look for most of the bosses without an YouTube video guiding you. The exploration aspect is definitely cool but I find myself craving more to fight the bosses the game has to offer. Getting to Malenia was more frustrating than the boss fight itself. It's kinda understandable the developers design the game in a way to get the online community to interact and come up with all the solution to the most bizzare puzzles they've set, but personally I would have preferred it to be easily accessible. If this is the best game of FromSoftware when it comes to accessibility then I really don't know how I'd fair out in their other games. The game doesn't look next gen or anything but it's got one of the best art style you can ever find in a game. The music is equally spectacular.
The performance was stuttery and it would actually get worse if I lower the settings, the only work around with the performance is playing the game offline. Playing it offline kinda stabilised the performance. Also the final fight had one of the best bosses and at the same time one of the game's worst. I would have really enjoyed the final fight if Radagon had a second phase or something, elden beast was absolutely abhorrent of a boss, the most annoying part of the game for me. With all that said, we will be there no matter what for the DLC as well as NG+.

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Wouldn't wish this game upon my worst enemy. The mindless head slashing is really fun but somehow the developers thought people would like it better if they introduced a horrible rpg quest design that no one even asked for and make it the main centre of focus for 80% of the game. The characters were so uninspired and boring that even ubisoft pales in comparison. The mission design is so bad, most of the missions you're just solving some bs conflicts between people and climbing up towers and hitting the button prompts, either that or an abysmally designed boss fight like the final fights with Waltz. The waltz fight is so godamn awful and broken, you also lose all your resources like medkit and weapon durability after dying to him, it's easily the worst boss fight ever put in a game, don't know if they fixed it via updates, since I played the pirated version of the game. The parkour also felt frustrating and janky almost all the time. The only few good things I can say about the game is the Veronika mission where you kinda sympathise with her and endlessly protect her during the entire mission but then the whole thing where you turn into a volatile like being they've been hyping about throughout the game comes into picture at a very inappropriate moment and you see her character die in the most horrible way. I think that was done really well, I kinda felt bad for the Veronika character and the game gets a bit bearable during and for a while, after the mission. For a moment I thought the game's latter half is kinda redeeming it but then the whole Waltz fight dropped and I had to just shelve the game. The graphics are good and the music is kinda decent as well but man does the game have horrible mission design and pacing. Game did feel very unpolished and the version I played was 1.14 which is pretty new. I feel like if they had a cheesy but bearable story like the first dying light and focused more on the combat and gameplay mechanics rather than introducing half baked rpg concepts and replicating some of the worse far cry games and still ending up doing injustice to those games, I feel the game wouldve easily won me over. This game in no way is comparable to the first dying light. Hopefully Techland learn from their mistakes and make a comeback with a better sequel.

If this is how gorgeous the first game looks then idk how insane Forbidden West is gonna be on PC. A solid 3/5 game, took me some time to get used to the combat but it got more fun with time. Oh and the Shield-Weaver outfit carried my ass throughout the latter part of the game. Just walking through different locations from this game feels so relaxing and therapeutic, they really hit it out of the park when it comes to balancing fidelity and artstyle. There were some texture pop in issues especially on Meridian but you'd only see them if your playing for way too long without restarting the game. Really hope Forbidden West is properly optimised for PC 🤞🏼

Doesnt justify it's presence, it felt like a rehash of the main story with a new location. The frozen area is gorgeous for what it's worth and I was able to get better weapons because of the expansion. The level requirements are a joke, if a preceding mission has a level requirement of 40 why jump all the way to 50. But going under-leveled for the final mission didn't really feel as difficult as I had thought. The shield weaver outfit never goes wrong even if you are 10 levels below the requirement for the mission.

Pretty fun at times, pretty monotonous at times. Felt like there was too much backtracking especially during the last few missions. Navigation sucks as a result. Heroic difficulty felt way much easier compared to Reach. I would have worshipped the game had I played it at the time of its og release cuz it's a remarkable thing to make something like this in 2001. My rating would've really been higher if not for the repeated segments in latter part of the game, I understand older game almost always reuse multiple segments via backtracking like resident evil but this felt like the game could've been really short if not for the repeated segments. Music was good I guess but the placement was very random. Also the most satisfying thing about the game is it's shotgun 🤌🏼, had so much fun blasting enemies with it and it's a shame the 2nd game's shotgun sucks in comparison.

It was good to see them not following the trend set by Combat Evolved of backtracking the same area multiple times. Also they really cooked with the cutscenes, the CGI/animation of the cutscenes definitely felt movie calibre. They could've actually made an animated series/movie out of those cutscenes instead of the live action Halo.The actual game looks good too but then doesn't really match the visual tone/quality set by the cutscenes, so it felt like watching 2 different things. The gameplay was really fun, had a lot of diverse setpieces/encounters but it did feel hard to navigate stuff on heroic difficulty, also frustrating at times with the poor checkpoint system and bullet sponginess. I can't really vouch for this being the best among the series, so far Reach and 3 are tied at that for me.

Maybe playing the first game and this one back to back was not a good idea. Might've had a slightly more positive view on this one if I hadn't played both the games back to back cuz most of the core elements whether it's the story, gameplay feel very identical. Also despite me taking my sweet time to finish the main story I was barely invested in all the crafting, skilling up and upgrading. I barely levelled up and completed quests despite being too under levelled, don't know if it enhanced the challenge or increased the tedium or a bit of both, cuz I hardly even changed the weapons until the final set of missions. The first game had a better lore, I barely cared about the zenith crap, not that I had any expectations for both the games in the first place. But the graphics and art style of the game are absolutely best in the business, I think its even better than Alan Wake 2. AW looks more realistic but this one's more gorgeous to look at. Deciding to play this game at 21:9 Aspect Ratio instead of the usual 16:9 might be the best decision I made regarding this game, makes the art style and visuals look even more godly.
They did add new elements to the gameplay and revamped the skill tree and also brought forth changes to melee and other stuff but I don't know the combat somehow feels better on the first game, maybe has to do with how the machines move while in combat. The characters were a mixed bag, they did a decent job with returning characters like Varl etc but had some annoying new characters as well. Overall I did actually like it I'd give it a 3 if I hadn't played Zero Dawn right before playing this. It's fun to shoot robotic animals and roam around in a setting like this with such gorgeous visuals. Onto the DLC now 🫡.

A nice little extension piece to the main story, new kind of weapons and new kind of enemies and I gotta say wrt combat, I had more fun here than in the main game trying to experiment on all the new weapons they brought in for the dlcs and prior to it. The story I'd say don't go with any expectations, that's kinda applicable with the main game as well. It was fun and the new area looked great but I have to say the whole Quen area for the DLC is horribly optimised for PC, I literally got less than half the performance I got during the main game which itself was pretty shaky cuz of my vram limitation. The area doesn't even look that different or improved upon compared to the main game if you ask for the amount of performance drop. All that said visually what an experience it was to pilot those airborne and waterborne machines, absolute beauty. Really looking forward to find out how much better the third game's gonna look in contrast to this. Also Sylens was literally one of the best characters in both the games. Lance Reddick was such a goat, gonna miss his presence not just here but also in John Wick and a potential Quantum Break sequel.

Easily the best game in the franchise, holds up even after playing it for the second time. Halo 3 not only maintains but improves on the fantastic soundtrack, gunplay, and pacing which made the previous entries so memorable. Has some well executed emotional beats and ends pretty well too. Would actually wanna try multiplayer sometime as well.