this game sucks ass and is super boring. the lore is the only good thing. If the nights were 6 minutes instead 9 it'd be significantly better. You have to give it credit for how iconic it was at the time, but it definitely isn't fun to play, especially if you don't know the formula. I do respect its aesthetic though, it was revolutionary when it came out. Maybe too revolutionary cause all of those clones suck ass

It's painful how close this game is to being really good, yet so far. It really needs another year or two in the oven. The economic gameplay is really fantastic, but it suffers from some of its main systems being extremely poorly though out. Although warfare is mostly alright now with the 1.5 update, diplomacy is still severely lacking and really frustrating.

Galaxy 1 if it was epic. Has a much higher quantity of fun levels, overall more fun mechanics, and just quicker gameplay. There's much more level variety instead of having 8 stars in some levels like Galaxy 1. The green stars in this game are a much more fun postgame, though some may think its frustrating and the cutscenes can really bog it down.

I only did the blue lions route. zased

I love a lot of the writing in this chapter, the ambiguity of stuff like the final scene makes it have a completely different meaning on reread. It still does a solid job of establishing what Higurashi is about and a good baseline for the characters. This arc is way better on reread than the first time around, since it lets you appreciate the double-meaning of scenes a lot better.

The coolest pikmin game conceptually, but struggles from bad controls and mechanics. The original gamecube release is particularly bad, not even letting you swap pikmin. Only 1 captain and the high carry counts for parts reduces how much you can multitask too. The main difficulty comes from the unwieldyness of its controls

The pikmin game with the most soul, Louie and the President really help make this series what it is. Time not mattering in this game gives it a different feel, but honestly makes it less replayable imo. Even though the caves are slightly different each playthrough, the core gameplay is exactly the same and there's no fun in optimizing your day count like there is in pikmin 1 and 3. Controls/mechanics can still be a little clunky, but much better than GC pikmin 1.

Electricity being instakill in this game makes yellows extremely overcentralizing. Every cave ends up being around 5 whites to get buried treasure, 30 or 40 purples to kill everything, and 20 yellows to deal with all the electricity. Everything else is filler (typically reds if there's fiery bulblaxes and 20 blues for water treasures). If electricity functioned more like it does in 4, with a slight stun and then death if you dont whistle, it'd be much better and allow for more variety among the elemental types (purples would still be overpowered though)

I'm not too big on dungeons, they're alright overall but IMO not really replayable. This issue persists in 4 where they return. Pikmin 2 dungeons are also way longer than 4's and can overall just become a slog to complete. The last area's dungeons just become tedious at some point.

If this game just had a go-here feature and the aforementioned electricity change, it'd probably be the best pikmin game. The AI for dispersing pikmin is also terrible in this game and makes it really hard to actually separate out your squad.

Probably has one of the most satisfying gameplay loops of any game I've ever played. The small optimizations and customizations you do in each playthrough are really fun and satisfying to see the results of.

Really fun progression system with multiple classes to make each playthrough different if you want. Easily moddable for if you get sick of the base game. Best played with friends.

The best pikmin experience. 3 is already the best game in the series in regards to gameplay IMO, and this game just enhances it. The mechanical changes that this port brings are generally really nice, but I'm not a fan of how many commands are shoved into the Y button.

The multiplayer story mode is the most fun I've ever had in pikmin. If you have a friend who is similarly into the series, it's a great experience. Extremely fun to see how well you can optimize days with 2 people working in tandem, and having a 3rd captain lets either of you switch it up for the sections where you wait.

The added content for Olimar and Louie is short but fun.

The added difficulty modes are kind of redundant, normal is just easy mode and hardmode is basically the same as the Wii U version. Ultra spicy isn't actually hard, it just needlessly reduces your pikmin cap to make it artificially tougher. In reality its just less satisfying to play with a lower cap since it reduces how much you can multitask.

Obviously since its still pikmin 3 it's already an easy game as is, so Ultra spicy being lackluster as an additional challenge is the most disappointing part of this game. If the mode just increased pikmin kill caps + removed how easily you could stunlock enemies, it'd would've been much better. That's the optimal way to improve 3's difficulty imo.

This game is absolutely crippled by its camera. It was fine at the time, but nowadays it is the sole issue holding this game back from being perfect.

Really fun way to play through Z's story, I loved playing as Vegeta. You can tell the budget ran out after namek though, the Cell saga really lacks high quality cinematics and the Buu saga barely has any. The OST is somewhat disappointing all things considered, although some of the remade Kikuchi songs are really cool. The RPG mechanics feel a little tacked on, but again it really is fun to play as your favorite db character in this.

I used to think this game was cool as a kid, but its easily the most mid 3d mario. Lacks the snappy pace of 64 or the flashiness and satisfying gameplay of the galaxy games. Fludd is just a weird thing to add. Blue coins make 100%ing the game tedious and really hampers replayability, since the most fun part of these games is fully completing them.

Really good foundation for Galaxy's mechanics, but I don't think 1 is that great honestly. Has the highest quantity of medicore levels, and to truly 100% the game you need to beat it twice as Luigi, and its exactly the same.

the gameplay has way more micro when in reality you just need to do the same exact motion for 8 minutes straight. Genuinely can be painful to play because of it. People act like this one is complex, but the mechanics all restrict you to just doing the same formulaic motion without any leeway. It ends up having the least variety because of it.