This game was just pure fun and a true celebration of the Star Wars series as a whole. Each of the planets from the different films were recreated with intricate detail and exploring them for the various collectibles was a ton of fun, while the main story missions were kind of short I still had a ton of fun experiencing key movie moments in an interactive way, I loved it.

While this game was definitely an improvement in terms of gameplay it definitely failed in every other aspect for me compared to it's predecessor.

The penultimate game in the Xenoblade trilogy and I think Monolith did an incredible job with this game. The cast is easily my favorite in the entire series and I think having the whole party from the start of the game really benefitted in letting each character have their moment to shine and develop.

The story itself was amazing and kept me invested all the way through, Moebius itself was such an interesting villain as an entire group and the way the mystery behind them solely unfolds was intriguing. Aionis was such a fantastic world to explore too and this game really nailed merging both worlds of the past games together while also feeling like it's own thing at the same time.

On the gameplay front this game doesn't slack at all either. The class system was a really refreshing change for the series and constantly changing up the formation of your team and trying new play-styles constantly kept the combat feeling fresh and it helped that the gameplay itself feels so fluid and engaging, really think Monolith perfected the Xenoblade combat formula with this game.

Overall this is definitely one of the best experiences I've had on the Switch in a while and definitely up there with some of my favorites on the console, really wonder where this series is gonna go next but I'm excited for it's future!

This game is still an absolute classic and holds up perfectly despite the dated aspects of the early 3D era, will always hold this game close to my heart!

I don't know how they did it again but this game was an absolute masterpiece from the second I started my journey to finishing it. BOTW already laid out an incredibly strong foundation for Zelda games going forward but this game managed to exceed my expectation in ways I wasn't expecting with world so massive yet dense with places to explore and activities to do.

The story was a huge improvement over the first game too and I really loved what they did with the Zonai and especially Zelda since her arc felt really emotional and it came together perfectly in the final act of the game.

Definitely up there as one of the best indie experiences I've had in a while. Such satisfying and kinetic gameplay that makes full use of your skills and the story was surprisingly complex and had a ton of unexpected twists I wasn't expecting, the music and art direction was amazing too.

The absolute peak of character action games with phenomenal world-building, an emotionally driven narrative, incredible soundtrack and some of the most fluid combat I've experienced in a game.

Charming little puzzle game with intuitive controls and simple yet engaging puzzles that make full use of their diorama-like design.

Such a fantastic puzzle platformer full of inventive level design and unique gimmicks, really is the definitive game in the Wario Land series and I'm so glad I finally played it.

Pretty much the perfect sequel to Fallen Order that vastly expands upon everything the already great first game did. The combat was a huge step up from the first game and Respawn pretty much perfected lightsaber combat, the planets were fantastic too and felt like the perfect mix between linear, narrative driven areas and open-world exploration.

While the gameplay isn't nearly as fun as Danganronpa in some aspects I think the story easily surprasses those games in many ways. All of the investigations were a ton of fun and the mystery behind the story unveiled itself in such a mind-blowing way I wasn't expect, such a fantastic visual novel I'd recommend to anyone that enjoys a good mystery/sci fi story.

Simply put this is the ultimate 2D Mario game in every conceivable way. The gameplay is easily the best it's ever been and the new gameplay mechanics and incredibly creative levels make for the most unique 2D Mario game since World. Small complaints about the lack of boss variety aside this game was the Mario team on their absolute A-game and I had a huge smile on my face all the way through it.

Most fun I've ever had with any multiplayer game, loved the majority of the DLC tracks even if a lot of them definitely aren't on the same level as the base game visually.

Simply one of the most incredible narratives I've experienced in the survival horror genre/gaming in general. While I feel like the gameplay was easily the weakest part of the game but overall presentation and environment design more than made up for it, this game did things I've never seen done in a game before and it truly is a unique experience that could only be done in the medium.

Fantastic epilogue for Kiryu and also the perfect bridge chapter between Yakuza 7 & 8, same great combat as always and the story took a really emotional turn towards the end that really pays off if you've played every game in the series thus far.