One of humanity's greatest missed opportunities; if this game had a good story, it'd be one of the best games ever made. Or a decent story. Hell, any story that I could play around my family, without having my index finger hovering over the Escape key.

If we ignore that and the (to be fair, non-mandatory) heavenly delights, then the razor-tight, speed run friendly gameplay, the unambiguous, slick visuals, and the energetic soundtrack all coalesce to make this game one for the ages.

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I had...some fun? For the most part. First off, this is one of the best looking games on switch. Would have preferred the game running consistently at 60fps, but Next Level did an amazing job on the design front.

But who cares about graphics? It's the gameplay that matters. And this gameplay ANNOYS me. It's too easy for a sizeable chunk of the game (this may be due to the fact I had played the first game a few years before this one), mainly because of the slam mechanic. It evaporates a ghost's hp; after finding out slamming in time with the ghost hitting the floor instead of spamming allows for more slams, the game was practically ruined for me. Slamming a ghost on another ghost also makes them visible, shredding large groups. The only 2 bosses are the medieval one (because I didn't know how to unlock them) and King Boo (because of the arbitrary time limit). Speaking of King Boo, other than this time limit, I really enjoyed the fight. The other bosses are fine for the most part. I think it's stupid the final rank is based on your current amount of money rather than how much you've gained, and the game doesn't tell you this until the end.

Exploration of this massive hotel was the most enjoyable part of the game. Again, the game looks great. But without substance to this environment, it wouldn't have mattered. Luckily, it's well crafted. Unfortunately, since exploration is one of my favourite parts, the game is much less replayable (even if I wanted to replay it). I also like the controls. Being able to access everything from the triggers makes the game 100 times better. And boos don't run to different rooms while you fight them! Just... loved that feature from Luigi's Mansion 1.

The game has a lot of good aspects. But making it harder would literally make it a point better. Minor other annoyances pile up on this game.

I don't like RPGs. And yet, I gave it a 2.5. That's average! I think everyone should experience this game. The story is very, very nice for an SNES game. I hate the combat. It evens out.

Personal bias. The game is objectively fantastic. Better than every other game in the series perhaps objectively. Every song slaps. The game looks gorgeous. The tracks are well designed (although I HATE SNES RAINBOW ROAD). And if you want a game you can play with friends, this is a great choice.
But...I personally dislike how it controls. Call me bad, but when I break out 7 and Wii, I'm fine (although I'm not a huge fan of 7 for my own reasons). This has lead to me being unable to get hooked to the game, and so it's impossible for me to give this a good score.

This would be a 5/5...if this was the first rhythm heaven game I had played. Unfortunately, due to the nature of megamix (a LOT of old remixed content, and a LOT of repetition of this content), I didn't enjoy this nearly as much as I would have. If this is your first rhythm heaven game, then everything about rhythm heaven fever applies to this game but multiplied by 10. Great music. Clean visuals and silly animations. Fun gameplay. If you like rhythm games, you'll love this game...again, if you haven't played the previous rhythm heaven games.

Prefacing this with the fact that I don't like shooters. Splatoon pretty great. It hooks you from the very beginning and doesn't let go. (funny joke inkoming) The gameplay is fluid and the music is LOUD and weird, giving the game a very unique atmosphere. I've had issues with players disconnecting, which essentially means you lose the match, but other than that I love playing online. Don't buy the game though. Wait for Splatoon 3. It'll probably have a better story mode.

"Completed" isn't the right word but i probably have 1000 hours on this. One issue I have is that it's (practically) required to check the wiki a bunch while playing. However, after this period, you recieve, in my opinion, the best sandbox game ever made.

I'm definitely in the minority here, but this game is just...fine. I found the gameplay prior to getting the double jump infuriating. I thought the dash was too quick and hard to control. The save mechanic is cool, but forgetting to save once and dying unexpectedly caused me to lose like 20 minutes of progress. The game gets better nearer to the end, but I feel like it would have been good throughout with slightly less slippery controls and less metroidvania type gameplay. Bash should be in every game from now on.