The best game no one has ever heard of. Absolute must. Beautiful art style, cute characters, kind of weird but funny jokes that aren't exactly for kids, beautiful music. The gameplay is an rts pikmin but with city building as you slowly conquer the world. Make sure to watch the intro movie. Don't want to talk too much about all it. Just play the game.

Currently replaying the gog version to see how that plays. No issues with bugs so far. Will update after playthrough is finished. Wii version works fine, Vita has bad anime art style replacement.
Update: GOG version breaks around the 3rd king. Nice to have all the ingame artwork though. Replayed on Wii U instead.
Too bad the company closed less than a year after the game was released.

My 2nd favorite game of all time after Super Mario World.

Very pretty except for a few spots where things are too clean looking and come off more like an ugly rubber than actual ground or trees. Great movement that is barely used except for a small handful of spots in the very endgame. Don't play the endgame its not worth it. Every concept is repeated about 35 times after the main story is finished. Its like playing Super Mario 64 but every world has 100 stars in it. Really polished ok platformer with basically no difficulty at all.

Incredibly Disappointing. The worst mario game.


A great game with really interesting open world movement and some small issues. mainly weapon durability and the shrines. Oh and the dungeons went from being way too tedious and long to too samey and short. They mean basically nothing.


Gears of War but more fun. Bonus points for the robot enemies and having to blow them apart. The story starts to try and get interesting near the very end and ends on a minor cliffhanger that we'll never see the end of. Oh well

Continues the first game but massively improves every aspect and putting in a minor open world element. The levels start really getting interesting after the 1st world and the story is great. Art style works great several years later. Definitely a must play but play the ps3 version, the ps2 one has massive motion blur.

A true delight. 10/10

Incredibly detailed and finely tuned level design with barely slipups, see that accursed climb up wall outside the saferoom.
Optional difficulty, you can try to get all the people or not at all.
Some very fun reveals like when you first see the immates or really learn how to take advantage of the game
A very fun but stupid story with a ton of quoteable moments

Starts to get boring near the very very end of the game though, mainly since there's nothing new to do. By then though you're only 15 minutes from the ending.
Difficult if you don't know what you're doing but doesn't punish you very much for it


Everything the first game had but more polished with extra content that fits great... AND CO-OP.

The story is just as good bad as the first with a lot of quotable scenes
Literally everything is like the first game but more polished, in a good way, fantastic level design, interesting time mechanic all of it.

the main character is nothing. He works on machines and has a daughter, that's about it. Frank West was way more interesting.
The co op is online only.

I definitely go back to off the record more but this one is still fantastic. They're basically the same game with minor changes: the camera is back, frank west, a new zone.


Boy did they go the wrong direction with this one. Instead of focusing on what people really loved with the first 2 games, they focused on just killing zombies. Arguably the most boring part of the games. The zombies were just roadblocks, moving through them was the interesting part, especially on a timer with about 6 survivors trailing behind.

Absolutely all difficulty is gone, the story is slightly less funny, there's next to nothing to do except the main story, Its annoying to go anywhere since you rely on cars so much and there's so many roadblocks, etc.

How did they go so wrong with it. Its like everything people liked about the other games they took out and focused exclusively on the parts people didn't like.

The worst thing is I can see a great game in this. I can see a real dead rising 3 if they just took another 4ish months to add in survivors, calm down with the combo weapons, polish the level design with much less road blocks, and a few other things they'd be set.

The closest 4 that's almost a 9/10 that's ever been. Maybe they'll be a mod one day that fixes it all.

Everything the first game was but with melee weapons and more campaigns. They include all the original maps with the game by default when you purchase it now so it really does replace it completely. A fantastic 4 person campaign game with a bunch of fun bonus stuff. Too bad valve doesn't make games anymore.


A really solid little rpg, complete able in about half the time most others take. Interesting world, fun combat, good stories. Sure its not giant in scope but that's just fine.

Just a really solid thing that will eventually become this giant franchise bethesda is currently running into the ground


The safest a game trying to do an fps rpg that's focused on the story mainly could possibly be from obsidian. Hopefully since they have the engine setup now we'll actually get a new vegas equivalent. A bit of a dissapointment from the people that made tyranny and pillars of eternity recently, but oh well.

After a replay of all of fallout new vegas and 3, I think I fully understand why this game doesn't measure up. Its trying to do new vegas but is missing several of the aspects that people love about that game.
Namely its context and its distance.

Context meaning the setting is something we already fully understand, its america, we're the advanced civilized race that came before that built all the dungeons. Everything has a grounding in the real world, from the specific towns to the radio music. The actual place of the strip isn't just an interesting idea but also because we understand its place in the world and it hints at an uncreated rest of earth that has interesting locations just like it. Outer worlds is missing that context and that takes away from the setup.

Distance meaning the total size of the world feels much smaller than New Vegas. Sure its more dense but in general there's not that down time that Fallout had walking from one place to the other. The time to sit and think about what just happened for a few minutes. The Outer Worlds almost completely removes this with its planet hopping fast travel. Really feels like a spaceship flying mechanic was taken out late on. Its either shooting at stuff or talking, there's nothing else to the game really unless you just stop playing for a bit and stare. The enemies aren't separated by more than 30 seconds of walking in my experience which takes away from when you do get to something interesting since it all blurs together. You just don't feel like you've traveled very far by the end of it.

Also Obsidian has always struggled with interesting loot, in new vegas too. It can't just look cool it has to be powerful as well. Fallout 3 with its, "every idea is a cool idea who cares about worldbuilding making sense" and morrowind in general, didn't really struggle with this. Getting a gun that makes people float is interesting but worthless in 10 minutes when I get a normal gun that is way more powerful and there's a weight limit.

This game desperately needed a radio also.


A very fun short game. Really calm and has some interesting things going on. Absolutely no difficulty but that's what it should be. Well near the very end it ramps up from 1 to 2 on the difficulty scale.

Go fishing, fly around, talk to people. Its a little miniature journey which is exactly what it says on the box. The ending really reminds me of the longing for more that something like super mario 64 left me with. Although the camera kind of messes up a bit on the big ending it was great.

Definitely play, especially for the low low price of being a member of humble monthly, although i still only pay the 12 a month classic thing.

I have a disease and the only cure is more mild timed strategy games that have fantastic level design, super depth to playing it, and while they aren't super difficult they do kick your teeth in if you mess up,

and pikmin is that cure

10/10 babi

Very fun. Enjoyed it a lot. All the 3d games from this time period have this, duplo, feel to the graphics that are really cute and give a bit of a disconnect to the whole thing. Gives a miniature feel while also adding to the horror.

The cutscenes and story are laughable, especially the voicework. Its cute though and its such a small part of the game that it doesn't take away from it. The gameplay is fantastic though, actually scary feeling but has a bit of a step to it. Everything in the game can be learned and understood. The zombies only take so many hits, the shotgun is an instakill. You can learn it all.

Really a great game. Would reccommend but download the ultimate director's cut version with the better music.

A fantastic little game with a very interesting idea that has never been done again. I can not imagine a game about taking pictures of animals turning out better and there hasn't been one that's come close to this since.

The best pokemon game, bizarre to me that this concept hasn't been done with normal animals in an edutainment form yet.
