Even as someone who loves older shooters like Doom and Duke Nukem, this game just felt like a slog. My bullets barely felt like they did anything, and as such the game just kind of felt... "Eh," to play. I can at least appreciate what it did for shooters though.

I thought Zero's missions were required to do the heist...

Played this as a kid thinking it was a follow up to the best licensed game ever made. Not only bad, but a massive disappointment

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THAT was the Meat circus? Def a difficulty spike but not the nightmare people made it out to be.

Don't even have a joke for this one. Absolute masterpiece. Patiently awaiting that DLC

Played through it in order to complete all mainline games. At least the dub was funny.

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Lau ka Long with no Komaki moves was painful. Maybe it would've been better if Heat was useful at all.

Dev who just played Fallout 3
"Guys, I've got a great idea."

So nice of the GMod devs to let Valve use their assets for a little game like this.

I liked when the incredibly evil dictator betrayed me. Never saw it coming!

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When Rockstar decided that killing the protagonist would be in every game

Would’ve had all achievements if not for TFMT. Fuck TFMT, all my homies hate TFMT.