One of the best stories in the franchise, sadly the gameplay becomes mindless and if you play this after KH1 you have to basically retread through that game's disney plotlines but made worse. Maybe I would have liked this game more if I spaced out my series binge, but alas.

This game walks the line between being cozy as shit or really fucking boring. Ultimately it was cozy, but also kinda boring.

The scariest horror game of all time

Very close to the level of SotN (Symphony of the Night), meaning realistically Aria of Sorrow belongs above a 7 but below an 8. See, adding nuance to a rating system with the least nuance possible is fun.

What it comes down to is Aria feels like it tries to replicate SotN on the GBA, which it does well. The minor problem is that it ends up feeling like a slightly watered down SotN. Not much new is brought to the table, which may end up being something I can appreciate more as I am aware that the DS games can be more gimmicky at times.

I don't feel confident in rating a game I just decide to occasionally play for 15 minutes when I'm bored, but man does this random racing game make me think "where did all the soul go?"

SMT4:A and the A stands for "anime" because I mean it is so anime dudes! They really persona'd this one!

This is an incredibly hard game for me to stick a rating on. In numerous ways this pseudo-sequel alternate timeline game is better than its predecessor, great gameplay improvements relating to combat and QoL across the board. It's just I'm not even sure myself how much the very overt power of friendship tropey writing affects my enjoyment of the game. I would say the characters are more memorable, but for better or for worse? IDK. Really what I can say for sure is the atmosphere is a major downgrade from SMT4 and I was consistently wishing the game took itself more seriously, but is that enough for me to rate it lower than its predecessor? IDK. So a 7 for now seems accurate enough, maybe. Probably? Who cares?

Normally I don't like to review multiplayer games, but as someone who clocked over 600 hours in OW1 and peaked at GM in competitive, this one hurts. I played the beta for this and was excited how blizzard was making radical changes to just "rip off the bandaid" for some one OW1's deep rooted issues. CC removal is excellent, new game mode is fun, less shield spam and just making tanks for fun, all very welcome.

Sadly acitivision-blizzard decided to make radical changes to the monetization system as well. OW1 had a surprisingly good community for its size, and I remember those first few holiday events and how exciting everything was. I remember those times logging in to grind out during the events to get the skins I wanted, and it was enjoyable because it was doable. Not only that, but the added content was usually fun, creative, and had a nice blizzard polish.

Now I boot up the game and see impossible to obtain cosmetics of questionable quality, small things removed like the "on fire" system for no reason, and just a complete lack of what soul remained in OW1 despite its dying state. You would think after all that happened, blizz would at least TRY to build up some good will with this release. Instead they doubled down and will face the harsh punishment of making millions of dollars.

The game is still kinda fun at least ¯\(ツ)

Obligatory pokemon vitriolic hatred comment: Better than any pokemon game purely as a game and also as a monster collecting JRPG, why do grown men keep playing those children's games
Probably one of the most solid JRPGs to exist, really only excels in its OST and atmosphere and just, well, solid on the rest of its aspects. Do NOT do neutral as your first route though, just embrace the side of you radicalized by twitter. I found the gameplay in V to be notably more fun, which despite IV being much more consistent, is why I still like V slightly more.

Certified Shlork Slept-On Game™: Nothing too crazy from a gameplay perspective but the vibes are immaculate.

I have every reason to hate this game, but I don't. It does what I want from an ES game well enough. Detailed open world with quests around every corner, interesting lore, memorable NPCs. Sadly it has to do this with a very generic feeling fantasy overlay, which maybe is in-line with the first 2 games but really feels out of place with the more grounded and interesting settings of morrowind and even skyrim. The leveling system is also terrible but even then, no other game series features the level of interactivity and immersion the ES games have so despite Oblivion's shortcomings compared to the rest of the series, it remains enjoyable and unique from a gameplay and lore perspective.

A great game with an incredibly detailed world but it's not perfect and it got ported a bunch SO IT'S THE WORST SHIT EVER DID YOU GUYS KNOW OBLIVION IS BETTER DESPITE HAVING THE WORST LEVELING SYSTEM IN A GAME EVER BUT AT LEAST IT HASN'T BEEN PORTED A BUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd indie game to drop in early access this year that targets a genre drought in the AAA space instead of spawning another fanbase from Hell. Gaming is saved!

Being forced to remember the Anor Londo archers by putting 5x more of them about sums this game up

Nintendo thinks a Star Fox sequel needs to reinvent the wheel to justify its own existence. Nintendo also has released four and a half New Super Mario Bros. games.

Game is good but not finished so no rating yet.