Not to deep into the game so far but who decided to give these characters British accents, that has to be worst decision I have ever seen when it comes to voice acting it’s like constant ear cancer.

The finale of this game made me go from thinking "wtf is this writing" to genuinely tearing up in the span of 10 minutes.

It’s black flag 2 with a story that falls off after the prologue. Solid game though

Great game
I personally did not enjoy but definitely a good buy if you like rogue likes

Don’t let the masterfully written characters with all timer performances by the actors, open world with so much intrigue and depth, side quests that are genuinely interesting, deep character creator and RPG elements, interesting and varied combat with many ways to win a battle , decisions that actually matter for the story no matter how little they are, unparalleled lore and story, SEX and multiple ways to solve basically anything in this game distract you from the fact that we never saw baldur and his gate.
Horrible game

Will play it when I find a friend who is willing to play it with me

This review contains spoilers

The fact that Inscryption made me like a card game should automatically give it five stars but there is a problem with this game. Act 1 completely overshadowes everything that comes after it and while Act 3 was solid it just didn’t hit the same. While I like the ARG and overall story of the "Mullinvers" a part of me wishes that it just stayed at ACT 1.

Great game took me some time to fully get into it but loved it from that point onwards. Played it after P5 which i still like more but it came close.
I like the characters in P4 more but the overall story and gameplay didn’t stick to me like it did in P5.

Oh I love this game so much it’s so fucking good in so many ways. The areas, the lore, OMG THE COMBAT UNGHHHH. I was never a big fan of the souls games but this makes want to give them another chance. It also had the best final boss in any game ever literally screamed when I finally defeated him. Ten out of ten for me personally loved it all the way trough.

Just not a big fan of the gameplay it’s a little to grinds and the combat is too simple for me to enjoy. From what Ive seen the story seems surprisingly solid and it’s clear that the developers actually cared about the game.

Enjoyed it,
Nice exploration that never feels bloated, simple but mostly satisfying combat and a good but sometimes slow story with great characters.
The only thing that bothered me are the frame drops during cutscenes (played on PS5) and it didn’t give me that Star Wars feeling like the first game did but that’s just personal.
Big recommendation

Spider man 2 is a good game that suffers from the fact that it’s basically the same game for the third time with a different story. If insomniac don’t change some things drastically in the future I will probably not play it. Swinging is fun though.

Carried me through quarantine