You know it’s not good when even young me didn’t like it ( movie is a banger though )

Even as a kid I thought it was a little boring

Helped me distracting myself when my life was shit so I got a weird appreciation for it even though it’s far from being a ten out of ten

It’s really good but I prefer 2018. I just think that 2018 smaller scale made me enjoy it more.
Still a really great game I would recommend to everyone

Completed it in one sitting and it was one of the best experiences in my life, there is really nothing you can complain about in this game


Stupidly fun especially with friends

I don’t know what the genre standard for roundbased strategic shooters are but I thought it was pretty good
( it took me 5 years to finish this game so I forgot half it)

Really good game
The Gameplay is great because you have a lot of options how to do missions, which is needed because gunning everyone down is by far the worst and hardest way to complete the stages in this game.
Speaking about stages they are also well designed and feel grounded something which in my opinion isn’t appreciated enough.
The story is okay I like the characters but they are to bland and appear to short to make me really care about them.The ending is also very abrupt and unsatisfying.
The open world is fun with San Francisco feeling alive due to the interactions and stuff noch do in this game.
Soundtrack is also a bop

My first Ac game, it’s really grindy and boring sometimes but I dunno something about it made me really like this game and it introduced me to the rest of the series something I am really thankful for

It’s okay now but still a far cry from what battlefield used to be

Hot take: This game lives from its graphics and sound design because the gameplay is really mid

It’s the only game where I have a 1000 hours so i need to give it some props. It has some of the best gunplay and movement in the whole shooter genre, but I got burned out about 3 months ago and only play on rare occasion so I don’t now how the game is doing right now.

3D world alone is already great, getting bowsers fury too makes this a solid 10/10 package