125 Reviews liked by SkeletonHouse

considering WotC and chimera squad were already Figurative Marvel Shit, the pivot to Literal Marvel Shit is about the least surprising thing ever; if you didn't see this coming I suggest staying out of the entrail reading business. the real surprise here's that everyone buried the lede blubbering about deckbuilding stuff so thoroughly that I had no idea this was Meet n Fuck Marvel

not since borderlands 2 has a game's dialogue filled me with the primal unease of an ape seeing a particularly snakelike vine. started this up while my wife was in the shower and when she texted asking if I could make some coffee I knew the choice was to smash ALT+F4 or risk being divorced on the spot

the cardgame bit I'm kinda whatever about. I think I'd like it more if the camera was positioned anywhere else and it didn't lean so hard into Epic Cinematic Presentation that even the most basic actions take a century to unfold. it's cool you can do the type of MTG blue deck bullshit where your turn lasts so long the person on the other side of the table regrets being a nerd, but not cool enough to endure the simpering social layer, endless cutscenes, and deranged tutorializing that make up the bulk of the game

have to imagine you'd have a better time stuffing hulk hands in your ass while playing slay the spire

The gameplay loop didn’t do it for me, but this story still rules.

Miles Edgeworth mpregged Phoenix Wright and they have a child named Gumshoe Jr. That's about all you need to know about my experience.

Bro released the game a second time 😭😭😭 still ain’t no point to the game, all you do is jump on shit 😭😭😭

It ain't got no point to the game he just walkin around jumpin on shit

"This game is fucking brilliant. These characters are so well written and this story is so smart." I say as I jerk off my Joycon after cutting like 20 dudes in half.

Wow, what an interesting game. I really enjoyed this. There are some parts where it was a bit annoying, but I needed to know what happened. Nintendo needs to put Gamecube games on NSO and add this. It should also figure out the legal stuff and remake/remaster this game (or make a new one).

max is so depressed and horny lmao he's literally me

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soul-sucking, taught me many different languages but only the worst words in each. Not for the faint of heart. Community will destroy you and rebuild you similar to the army just more f'd up.

It's so weird to me how much this game looks and feels like it just comes default in the games tab of your fresh out of the box Vista from Dell and yet it is so good.

The big drawback to the game though is the difficulty scaling - boy howdy do monsters punch way above their weight towards the latter half and really prolong the experience more than is justified.

Still worth it for a rare instance of a mythology game that doesn't suck, also has a bunch of new expansions I have yet to play so there is still some love going into this one, somehow.

Only thing worse than a game that people are really annoying about is when all the annoying people are right and now you're one of the annoying people

Balatro is THE Point-Scoring Joker-based Solitaire spirited Northernlioncore Poker Roguelite among the entire genre! These points are so hot they burn, the combos so juicy that the squeeze is always worth it, the fundaments of our brain chemistry brought upon static filled Computer Screen. If you are in possession of a pattern-seeking neural complex, get on the train and start rolling for lucky sevens

This happened to my friend Kyle