Megaton Press is the best super move in the game.

Mega Man deleted the concept of a smooth difficulty curve from his memory banks so he could fit more catchy tunes into his robot brain.

A return to static sprites after Crystal made a sad boy.

I've had the character select theme as my ringtone for over a decade.

All the gameplay improvements in the world couldn't save the total lack of charm the game loses when Raiden takes control. At least there was a 2 hour Metal Gear Solid sequel at the beginning.

I brought this to a friends house and watched my two friends go 0-0 into OT5, where one of them would randomly score. The other friend was flabbergasted into submission.

This was better than the first, I don't remember but except for the shitty yeti area and the bad final boss. Haha Ratchet has no underwear funny.


Damn they put a BEARD on a Koopa? I don't know how to feel about Mario's brand identity now...

Imagine making a fighting game with throws but no blocking. My greatest guilty pleasure.

The only GBC Pokemon game worth playing, warts and all.

Mario gets in his kart and drives to the bowling alley for a nice slice of pizza with his friends and nothing about karting happens here.

I asked for Vice City for Christmas and got this instead.

Plankton plays the keyboard, among other things.