This game made my nightmares return. Would recommend.

Iron Lung is a nice little horror game. The atmosphere is definitely the strong suit of this game and is really well made. The gameplay is a little boring, though it fits, and due to it being really short, it didn't bother me too much. All together, the game was not that scary, but the end was pretty nice. Overall, I'm not really into horror games all that much, but this was one of the better ones I've played.

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Dark Souls 2 is an interesting game. It tried a lot of new things, some of which were good, others not so much. Objectively speaking, it's probably the worst one out of the trilogy, though I still had a really good time with it.

Majula has to be my favorite hub in any of the FromSoftware games, even beating Firelink Shrine from the original Dark Souls. At first, I absolutely hated that you lose max health each time you die, though it quickly grew on me, and I really like the added stakes it brings now. Even the torch was an interesting mechanic, but it was definitely underused (I only really used it in 2 areas of the game).

The game even has some of my favorite areas out of any FromSoftware game, Majula as mentioned before, Dragon Aerie/Shrine, and I also really liked Frozen Eleum Loyce. Boss-wise it's a little weak, especially in the early game, though towards the end of the game and in the multiple DLCs, the bosses are actually really fun. For example, in the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC, you have a rematch against Smelter Demon and fight two of my all-time favorites in any Souls game.

A point which could be a negative as well as a positive would be its very open world. I really liked having the freedom of going basically anywhere at any point, but it can get very confusing at times where you actually have to go.

All in all, I would strongly recommend Dark Souls 2 to any Souls fan, even if some people say it's not worth it.

Firewatch was really fun. The art style of the game is amazing, and the story is told in a really nice way. I love the conversations between the main characters, and even the map was implemented in a nice way, being a physical object in the game world rather than just an all-knowing object from a higher plane. All the characters were really nice, especially the main ones. The only thing I would've wished for would be for the game to be a bit, maybe an hour or so longer, and the ending being a bit better because it felt quite rushed. Even taking that into account, the game is really nice, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good story.

Melatonin is some of the most fun I've had with rhythm games in general. The relaxing low-fi aesthetic of the game is great and a fantastic way to end a day. Overall, the only complaints I really have are: the game doesn't have an auto-calibration for delay, meaning you have to manually try and figure out what works for you, which can be a bit annoying at the start of the game. The game also doesn't have online features that I'm aware of, so all you can do is edit the levels yourself and play the edited versions you made.

In the end, it was really fun getting all the perfect scores for all the levels, and all I would really want is for the game to be a little longer.

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Sekiro is the best Souls-like FromSoftware game in my opinion. It's also one of my all-time favorites in general. The combat is nothing short of amazing, and the parrying feels immaculate. It has some of the greatest bosses in any game I've ever played. The learning curve might be a bit steep, but the moment you realize how everything works is magical. Even the level design is great, and the more straightforward approach to storytelling was a nice conversion from your typical Souls game.

Overall, there are very few things I didn't like about Sekiro. For one, there are the Shichimen Warriors and Demon of Hatred. Fighting them was, in my opinion, some of the lower points of the game, especially Demon of Hatred. They take the fun part, which is the parrying, out of it and just make you continuously beat the enemies until they die. They both can also, under certain conditions, basically one-hit you, which just isn't fun. Then, two of the last achievements, Master of the Prosthetic, and even more so, Height of Technique, made you grind for quite a bit. In the end, I was just running the same farming routes for XP and the materials for about 5-6 hours, which wasn't really fun.

Ignoring those two points though, Sekiro is almost a flawless game, and I strongly recommend it to anyone searching for a good challenge.

Surprisingly, I really enjoyed Citizen Sleeper, even though I usually don't like purely story-focused games. I also don't really like reading too much, but the characters, the story, and especially the atmosphere just drew me in. The gameplay is not the best in my opinion, but it really fits the game, and the most important part about it is the story, anyways. Overall, I would definitely recommend it, even if it looks boring at first to you. It might just open you up to a new genre.

I loved Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Fully completing it was a blast, and the amazing music and great visuals made it even better. The overworld was one of the best I've ever seen, and it was really fun solving little puzzles to find tonics and unlock new levels. The only reason I wouldn't give it 5 stars is because I personally prefer the controls and physics of the Donkey Kong Country series, as I love the momentum you can build up in those games.

Just playing through the main game was really fun. The gameplay was amazing and felt great, especially the wall-running. However, the part I enjoyed the least was the story, which didn't even interest me in the slightest.

Plays very similar to games like Vampire Survivor, but I definitely had more fun with this game. It's probably because of the art style and the faster-ish gameplay that requires at least a tiny bit of skill. Overall, it's a nice game to play while listening to a podcast, but nothing too special.

Great game with gameplay that feels smooth and responsive. The story was surprisingly interesting and told in a nice way. Getting the achievements was fun; the only one I haven't obtained yet is the one for getting a gold time in a speedrun because it's by far the most difficult out of all of them. The only thing that bothered me was the game ending on a cliffhanger, but everything else was amazing.

The biggest drawback in Persona 5 Royal is the combat, which was fun for the first 10-15 hours or so, but after that, it just became a nuisance. The bosses, especially, were some of the worst I've ever played against because none of them could be inflicted with status ailments nor had any weaknesses, negating the entire basis of the combat system. Additionally, they usually dealt way too much damage and absorbed damage like a sponge, requiring you to use your strongest attacks on them for 20-30 minutes straight.

However, the music, art style, UI design, story, and characters were some of the best I've seen in a while. If it weren't for the combat system, Persona 5 Royal would be a 9/10 for me.

Dark Souls Remastered was my first entry in the Souls series, and I first played it back in 2020 on Switch. Now that I have replayed it, it's still as good as I remembered. I got so addicted to it that I 100% completed the game in a mere 5 days. The atmosphere and world are some of the best out there, and the level design that constantly loops around to give you shortcuts is amazing. The only reason it's not a 5/5 for me is the second half of the game, which sadly wasn't as good as the first one.

Hearts of Stone is a really nice expansion, overall just improving on the main game. The main story of the DLC was better in basically every way compared to the main game and, in general, it's just a great story on its own. It's one of the best DLCs I've ever played. I strongly recommend it, even if you didn't like the main game all that much.

Hollow Knight is one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm thankful to it for so much more than just being a good game. It's the first indie game I've ever played, and it was one of the best right away. It's one of the main reasons why I really got into gaming as a whole, and I found some of my best friends today through this game, whether directly or indirectly. It's one of the reasons I started to really learn English, mainly to consume content about it online. On top of all that, it's an amazing game with a great world, lore, atmosphere, gameplay, and so much content. To this day, I'm still patiently waiting for Silksong to release, and I'm sure one day it will happen.
All I can really say is that Hollow Knight is one of the best games ever made, and I wholeheartedly recommend it.