I cheated because Im pretty sure some of these bosses suck. Story is cool. Also I can't really think of many other 2D games where the movement upgrades you get ALSO are damage dealing attacks, kind of fucking baller

This fucking rules, gotta love actually trying to dig into Cortana/Chief.

I actually hate this game. Not joking.

This is a game I used to play on my aunt's computer when I was like 6 probably. I spent forever trying to find it again and eventually found out the creator put like all his shit on itch.io. This actually runs on modern hardware (can't alt tab though).

So this game is incredibly rough game design wise. You can only attack by finding an item that will let you, and sometimes the dev puts it in some bullshit place behind a bunch of enemies you can't kill. Sometimes there are bullshit puzzles you CANNOT figure out on your own. There are extremely dark dungeons with lazers that basically one shot you and are extremely hard to see. There are snails that retract into their shell if you get to close to them, making it so you cannot kill them, and they WILL body block you in door ways.
I can look past a lot of this though because the game is extremely charming/nostalgic to me. The art style is so low poly cheap 90's pc games. The water is like a cool gradient with ripple effects on it. The music isnt amazing but goddamn is it midi. It was also just made by 1 person, so he probably didn't have the wisdom for do's and do not's in game design. Also some actually impressive stuff to me in here.

Overall, really cool game 👍

The remastering of this and the music is the only good things about this I can say.

I really do not get this game. It just feels worst than the first in every way. You move significantly slower. Enemies felt super spongy to the point it wasn't fun shooting, it got to the point where I was just running past enemies ignoring them. The first level was like 50 minutes long, that is not good.
I absolutely loved have blistering fast I could speed through levels shooting enemies in Turok 1, this moves to a fucking snails pace. PLUS they add objectives you have to do. I didn't miss any in the first level but I can just picture myself missing one of them then being lost forever and getting pissed.

This game does style, art, dialogue, characters all good. The skills can combine into some really awesome synergies, and the Mentor system is also fun. I was also enjoying that it was a pretty easy/casual rogue-like.... until the second half where the game gets harder and I do not feel the gameplay is nearly good enough to facilitate it. The dodge doesn't immediately cancel what you are doing so you just get hit when you pressed the button on time. You also can just get juggled if you don't have any skill to prevent that (not fun). Turned on assist mode to prevent this game piggin me off.

41 total people played this in the last 30 days on Steam

This isnt necessarily bad, just no one plays it

This is one of the most unique games you could ever play. Being as it is a Gmod game mode, you load up other Gmod maps and literally tear them apart.

This game just allows you to explore a bunch of maps made by people; as said in game, they could be fuckin empty cubes, or extremely accurate maps of your real neighborhood. Its like exploring abandoned virtual spaces, a lot of these maps were probably never touched by people, just these beautiful creations left alone in the void. It also rules as someone who used to play a shit ton of TTT, getting to see maps I used to play on a bunch again was so awesome.

The game play portion inst the only thing great about this game though, it also features 4 wonderful characters, all cats. A funny wahoo drug smoking cellist who is never sober, a quick tempered pianist, a singer who ironically cannot sing anymore, and a wise bartender who seems to kind of look after them all. I don't want to delve into their actual character arcs but they are GOOD. They got some real shit to say and can hit kind of hard.

Please play this.

Duke is one of the most goated characters in RE

With my rice I like to have some cow, cow, cow
It tastes so very good, I don't know how, how, how
It's my favourite form of chow, chow, chow, wow
Oooooooowww, EAT NOW!