First game I've played since I was 8 that I tapped out on from being too scared. It's amazing, I cried. Play or die.

the moral of this story: woah

Good gravy! That clown’s freaking crazy!

Not only does the game let you use a "Howitzer" but it makes you ask "Whyitzer"

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"Fighting. Strength. Are they really so special?"

"Maybe it's like that man said. Maybe fighting is what we're meant to do."

"It doesn't matter. I'm sick of caring what other people think. I'm just gonna do what I want from now on."

"Like what, for example?"

"..................Like making money?"

My honest fucking reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V2sBURgUBI

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The rest of the fanservice is cool but they were on some evil shit for bringing back the spider jumpscare but replacing it with a monkey.

big funky lysergic nightmares

A little difficult to soak in how cool parts of this are when enemies tear like a wet paper bag to missiles but man do i wanna start a pop punk band and call it "White Glint" or some other shit.

The Vibe Scepter has strange and mysterious powers, that's for sure...So, how do YOU feel about this last adventure? One thing about that scepter! No one knows who created it or why, but...somewhere, someone might possibly be using it right now......What? Your dad got mad at you the other day, you say? Your mom's been laughing happily a lot? Maybe...just maybe...the Vibe Scepter is hidden away in your house somewhere...

you cant even fucking buy weed anywhere on Earth without someone lacing it with kojima particles. whats the point