Easy to learn, hard to master, fast to understand. A great mobile game, only hindered by some weird enemys that are hard to beat while simultaneously juggling the own character.

Nice voice acting, story building and visuals! Sadly when I played the game only the first half was out and I never managed to start playing the second half. I guess the story/gameplay wasn't that engaging that I immediately wanted to go back, although I'm still thinking about finishing it.
Puzzles and and pacing were a little it on the easy/slow side but otherwise very nice.

(Note: I was a backer of the Kickstarter)

Amazing story, world, great jokes and a lot of heart in every interaction and line of dialogue!
The only thing holding it back from todays perspective are some of the puzzles which don't make sense at all and have to be solved by trial-and-error.

As a huge fan of the first Life is Strange I went into this one with a lot of expectations and hope. Sadly the world/characters of this series didn't connect with me the same way the characters from the first series did. I also found the pacing of the first chapter really slow and couldn't get into the "road trip" style the game was going for.

I can see how/why people would love this game, but it didn't connect with me, so I stopped playing after the first episode.

One of the most emotional games I have ever played with some of the most believable and heartfelt characters I have ever seen. The game and the whole world clicked very fast for me and I felt a real connection to the people and events.

Some interactions are more gimmicky and/or janky and technologically it's a little rough, but otherwise it's a great game.

Amazing art style and soundtrack carry a game thats very rough around its edges. Scott Pilgrim is a great setting and the gameplay and mechanics are a natural fit, but the gameplay part is heavily undercooked.
Core mechanics are based on River City Ransom and although I like the brawler-style gameplay I do not like the grindy parts, the basically required deaths and restarts as well as the baffling concept of selling you items without telling you what they do.

Game still has quite a few bugs so its sadly just a fan-service game, but for that its quite good.

In some parts a very strong finish to the trilogy, sadly in others it doesn't quite stick the landing.
The story doesn't quite find what it wants to be about and the relationship between the main antagonist and Lara feels very forced. Ethical questions get asked but don't get a satisfying answer, neither through story nor gameplay.
The core game however is the strongest of the trilogy. The temples are amazingly designed, the whole game is extremely beautiful and the mechanics work great.

I like the direction the series went with this trilogy and hope there will be a new attempt at some point in the future.

A very strong core game (its Starcraft!) sadly hindered by a dumbed down storyline. What was a interstellar conflict with unexplained and unspeakable dangers and horrors in the first game has become a story about personal loss, love and the feelings of a few characters. The new story could have been still good, but sadly it never really gets interesting enough to care too much.

Abandoned the game after around one hour of trying to find out what to do and why I should care.
Now, maybe I should care, but the game never told me, and to expect from the player to push through without anything thats guiding them or giving any kind of motivation turned at least me off.

To be fair, I am not a huge fan of "plain" puzzles without them being embedded into something more relatable. The Witness seems very "straight to the point" in that regard.

A game to be viewed more from a nostalgic and historical point-of-view rather than from a pure gameplay perspective.
As the first Mario game on the Game Boy it had huge implications, but the game itself aged quite badly. Jumping and movement don't feel very Mario, or just very good at all.
Still it had some very memorable stages and I recommend playing through it at least once, even if for nothing else than the historical perspective.

One of the greatest Mario platformers (I know, debatable, as you're playing Yoshi and this game spawned its own whole series) of all time. Art style, soundtrack, general world setting and feel of the game are timeless classics.
Gameplay is great, platforming is fun and the game is quite challenging and mixes things up very often. The whole package, greatly recommended for anyone.

A technological masterpiece when it came out and still boasting a very distinct graphical style. The tone of the game shifted a lot compared to the previous games though. While DOOM always had horror elements to it the focus on dark hallways, jump scares and "cheap tricks" didn't work for me that well.
Add to that some gameplay problems like not being able to hold a flashlight and a weapon at the same time and enemys always spawning in right behind you.
Not the best DOOM game, but interesting enough and still very playable.

Great package.
3D World is a great new direction for Mario games and the level design, interactions and platforming were fantastic. Precision, especially when trying to judge depth wasn't great, which occasionally became frustrating due to difficult platforming, but the game more than made up for that with amazing levels, cool powerups and a lot of personality and creativity everywhere.

Bowsers Fury was a nice little extra, although I felt it was a little repetitive, especially in the later parts. However the game ended "soon enough" and didn't overstay its welcome just before things could get really frustrating.

One of the greatest RTS of all time and established some absolute core concepts of the genre which became must-haves for future RTS titles. Created a whole esports scene out of nothing because of the perfect multiplayer. Campaign was also amazing with great worldbuilding and a real rollercoaster of actions an interaction experiened through multiple different campaigns and viewpoints.

A high for its time that probably will never be achieved again.

A fun little game with humor, although after a few levels I had my fill and didn't really find a reason to jump back in.
For me a great GamePass game.