Had a tiny sliver of hope that this might recapture the glory days (at least in spirit) but nah.

I miss when Overwatch was basically just TF2 2, when everything was goofy and no one was really taking it seriously and it was okay to have gameplay mechanics that were kind of broken, because it was fun! Now every single edge has been sanded off for the sake of "Competitive viability", and what's left behind is just kind of hollow. Great for the guys who inhale more G-Fuel than actual food and have their mouse DPI set to 10,000, not so great for everyone else...

Not to mention they managed to ruin pretty much everything else with the transition to free to play, so, yeah, maybe could have done with a little bit more time in the oven...

Masterpiece. Endlessly charming, endlessly addictive, just endless. Literally. It won't stop. It just keeps going.


Another Annapurna Interactive banger for the books.

A nice little morsel, just for me. Yum yum I say! I need to play Quantum Break...

It's a crime that it took me this long to get around to this.

So beautiful and charming and full to bursting with character, and yet it's somehow a complete slog to play. Wears its inspirations of its sleeves so much it literally has Hayao Miyazaki as an NPC and yet it seems to miss the core of what makes the things it admires so much so memorable.


The concept is brilliant, the art direction is wonderful, the world design is engrossing, the music is enchanting, but fucking hell if it isn't all completely ruined by how blatantly unfinished this is. I held off playing this for a year because of how terrible it was at launch (audio barely worked, constant stuttering, etc) and now it's slightly better, but it's still a complete embarrassment. The sound still stutters randomly, lights flicker, pop in is a constant issue. The glider feels awful to control, the smallest bump will send it spinning away, a jump will catapult it head first into the ground. If it gets stuck in a pit it is now permanently stuck in the pit until you fast travel away.

Worst of all, the game runs like shit. You can chuck it on the lowest graphics setting and certain areas will still tank the frame rate to a laughable extent, and I don't know why! I've got a decent computer, I can run other stuff fine, the graphical style should be the opposite of demanding, but it somehow runs worse than Cyberpunk. How?

The worst thing is that there is a good game in here. I just wish they finished it.

The exact same as Two Point Hospital; really fun for the first 7 or so hours, and then the dopamine dries up as your brain realises that you're just doing the same shit over and over again.

Muting the intercom and DJ is also borderline essential to avoid the "hilarious" comedic bits. Should honestly ship with them muted by default and turning them on is locked behind a new 'Survival' mode.

I want more funny walking simulators. There are like 3 total and all of them were made by William Pugh.

Fucking hell they weren't lying about that epilepsy warning were they?

I can imagine this being ridiculously fun with a group of 4 really close friends; this game has a knack for creating really fun moments that riff off of group dynamics. Sadly, I do not have a group of 4 really close friends who also have a PC or Xbox, a game pass membership, an Xbox Live Gold membership, and a desire to play a cartoony pirate game.

Pretty good, would have liked it more if instead of Mexico you got to drive around various mushroom kingdom locations, and instead of Fords and BMWs you got to drive the Teddy Buggy.

I'm a moron for shelving this last year. Yeah it's got problems, several, many of which can be classified under the subheading of "issues due to old", but I also love it. The gunplay, the environmental storytelling, the WORLD, god, I don't think there's a single more compelling setting for anything than rapture. Such a cool game, if anything deserves the most high effort remake job possible it's this (although considering the state of the remaster I can't imagine it would be very good).

I had high expectations but holy shit dude.