Took me like 3 years to beat this as a child, it was fun. Kind of want to go back to it soon

They made online multiplayer work and it was so fun to play through. The movement getting a speed upgrade and some new moves from Wii U makes this super fun. Highly recommend with friends

Played this a ton as a kid, mainly multiplayer and it was a great progression system, super fun.

Fun, stupid, replayable, great :)

Deck building rougelike i realllly like. Good deck arc types, really great feeling when beating the high accessions.

I play crash 3 like once a year, crash 2 is really good, i dont like crash 1. The progression and powerup system is what i like and time trials are fun.

Great gameplay, that is rewarding to master. I accidently deleted all my data so i have been replaying it to get to the dlc and such

Very fun, attention to detail, and support that lasted maybe a bit too long.

Not that great imo, way too many boxes in super bullshit areas. The gems make this game feel like a slog to beat. Didn't even touch time trials with how the "sprint" power up works

Online is cool, stamps are stupid but harmless (besides the fact p4 can block some text selections), horrible maps. Good minigames, feel like they could have just pumped out more maps and kept up hype but they just let it die

Silly short game using celeste mechanics. Neat

I started playing this like a year or two after release. Great to revisit (for me the first time) the games stories and play with a friend through all of them. Multiplayer is fun, cosmetics are cool and still gets support in 2024. Certain small grips like reach credits gone, but there's enough good to out weigh the bad.


Fun boss to boss gameplay, hard, great OST

I really like pikmin 2 probably more than i should. Caves will just drop bombs are you which is just funny. Played this about 5 times as of 3/2024.