the most meaningful game in my meaningless life

better than Goldeneye in nearly every single regard except for maybe the multiplayer

game slaps and you all are too chicken shit to admit it

easily the best kirby game

don't take this rating in the wrong way. Just like Doom Eternal, Sekiro forces you into a play style. if you don't fall into it's groove, then you are going to lose.

I like the groove Doom Eternal forces you into. I don't like Sekiro's groove.


i plan on making a video about this at some point but in a sense, this game has relatively the longest and most frustratingly poor introduction in the entire modern Fromsoftware catalogue. It is gatekeeping in it's strange implementation. In my opinion, the tutorial ends with Genichiro and that is when the game finally shows itself to you and once i managed to beat him, everything that the game was teaching me clicked and i haven't looked back since. this is fuckin UNREAL. i GET IT NOW. i am so sorry. - my video

i really disliked the combat :/ it bums em out because it might be the most beautiful game i've ever played

fantastic silent hill clone. freaked me the fuck out on more than one occasion

game slaps and you all are too chicken shit to admit it.

possibly the most elegantly designed card game i've ever played. great stuff.

N64 version is unplayable. play on PC and it's actually good.


i actually cried for 20 minutes when the game ended.