my least favorite of the original 4 games. i get why people feel like this is the best but it really bums me out that this isn't the one that gets the remake. its tech gets in the way of the game IMO.
it's still fire tho

actually scary and that's saying something. (old video but my thoughts are the same)

Remorse The List takes a concept and only goes halfway with it. but what is here is very enjoyable. I beat it 4 times for a video on it lol


Haven't beaten it but it's a classic. it's not aged as well as other games, but that's not a dig by any stretch of the imagination. the journey is what matters here.

mainly rating this on not only it's impact on gaming as a whole, but what this game did for me growing up. it was one of the very first games i played where the story made me feel something. it's also an excellent showcase of level design, music, and charm. a classic for all the right reasons.

i don't really like these games but i genuinely think it's about as good as DMC 1

My favorite of the souls games and i'm not being a troll. there's something about this i can't quantize but it soothes my soul and it's become comfort food at this point. one of my all time favorite games.
it pains me that the team that made it got incredibly fucked over.

the entire time i play it i constantly say to myself "there is no way that this visual catastrophe is one of the most fun shooters i've played"

but it's true.

game's gameplay loop is actually really fun. good thing they don't change it up whatsoever for 95% of the entire fucking game.
the story is well written and that's about it.

this is the best of the trilogy and you can eat my ass if you disagree.

i can't wait for atomic heart to come out for everyone to realize how middling this game actually is.