Few games are as satisfying to win as Katana Zero. Once you get past the initial frustration of dying in a level, and you really hone the skills needed to beat the level, this game becomes like music. I can’t wait for the DLC, if it’s still coming out.

I’d rather have someone sneeze directly in my mouth than try to play this game again. Cheating ass CPU…

Easiest RetroAchievements points I’ve ever scored.

I only finally beat this game about a year ago, and I’m glad I finally did. This whole game is a treat from start to finish. The story is great, the characters and locations are memorable, and the gameplay is super satisfying. I can’t wait for the remaster of this game, as it is one of the best titles in the entire GCN library.

This review concerns the GCN version only.

Shrek Super Slam is a weird fighting game, but it’s a good game. There are weird design choices, like characters only have a few different combos, and each stage has a rotating selection of somgs rather than their own songs. However, the good parts of the game are really good. The mega challenge is very rewarding, and it feels satisfying to use your slam on the opponent. Fighting game fans will either love or hate this game I think.

The first Monkey Ball is pretty fun, but holy sh*t is it hard. I used to cry game every time my monkey rolled off the stage. That has definitely messed up my development as a human being. Thanks Sega for stunting my childhood with your silly little monkey game! <3

For some reason, this Mario kart just doesn’t feel good to play. Every kart is either too sensitive to control stick movements, or not sensitive enough. Battle mode is really fun though, and the selection of tracks is great. This game should only be played with friends, but that’s where it’s at its best.

Pikmin is fun, but it’s also very stressful for me as someone with poor organizational skills and executive functioning. The immense guilt I feel when even just one of my cute little Pikmin buddies bites the dust is soul crushing. I can imagine if there’s a game that is simultaneously an argument for why you shouldn’t have children, this is probably it.

This review contains spoilers

Luigi’s Mansion is a fantastic game with a lot of personality and fun mechanics. The mansion itself is also greatly designed. My one gripe with the game is that, for any version of the game excluding the PAL version, the hidden mansion is not worth it. The hidden mansion is the only real way to 100% this game, but it hardly has any changes to it. Had every other version of the game had the PAL hidden mansion, this game might’ve been perfect.

SA2B is a game I really wanted to like when I picked it back up years later. Instead, I found out the reason I had so many fond memories of this game was solely because of the Chao Garden. The garden could’ve genuinely been its own game and it would’ve been awesome. The game outside the garden, however, is incredibly clunky to play. 3/5 for the Chao Garden and the music, but otherwise I think this title is a bit overrated.

Biggest sleeper pick in the entire GCN library. This game, even as a licensed game, is incredibly fun and replayable. SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy are all fun to play as, and I like the game’s sense of humor is more aligned with early seasons of SpongeBob. While some levels are janky, this game is stupendously fun and I’d recommend everyone at least try it out

I’m definitely in the minority when I say that SSBM is just… good. The positives are definitely the great character and stage rosters, the soundtrack, and adventure mode. The negatives, for me, are the controls and the tedium required to unlock all of the characters. I like this game, but it’s certainly not my favorite smash title.

This game is a blast. I’ve played few other games where I’ve had this much fun and laughed as much as I have playing with friends. If I’m being honest thought, this game really shines when you have full mobiles. If you only play with one or two people (or, god forbid, play this game single player), it can be extremely punishing to die in game. That’s maybe the only thing holding this game back from being perfect (I.e. my own lack of friends lmao).

Mario Wonder is a great return-to-form for the franchise. The entire game oozes personality and creativity. The one thing for me that holds this game back from perfection is, for all of the power ups you’re given in this game, only a few are really useful. This feels like a big, missed opportunity since it hurts the potential for variance in each play through. Also, the final level that uses all of these power ups is total dog d*ck (if you know, you know). All in all though, this is one of Mario’s best 2D-ish side scrollers.

This is, without question, the best roguelike to have ever been conceived. There is no shortage of content in this game. Seriously, I’ve sunk 1200+ hours into it, and I still don’t have 100 percent of the achievements (although, in fairness, I did used to leave my computer running with this game still open lmao). It feels awesome completing runs of this game, or finding the most busted builds you can obtain. This game literally does everything right, and I am so grateful for the hours of joy it has brought me.