This game does so many things right but has major flaws that come with its age. The confidants, or the social links you can create with people in the game, are really amazing but some are lacking (I probably prefer the non-party member confidants in this game over the ones in P5, but P5 has better party member confidants). Another missed opportunity is that you can have confidants with your female party members but none of the males, which is definitely annoying after playing P5. Also the combat can be very satisfying when you can knock all of the shadows down and land an “All-Out-Attack,” but it heavily suffers from the fact that you can only give broad commands to your party members and you can’t actually control them. The main dungeon is a pain in the ass too, it’s called Tartarus. It is a randomly generated dungeon where every 20 or so floors there is a mini boss. The issue is that it isn’t interesting at all, the maze like structure is very repetitive and with something so interesting as the concept of Tartarus you think they would do more. Persona 3 desperately needs a remake with quality of life changes but even in the state that it is now I’d still recommend it to any JRPG fans because the last half of the game is magnificent and the ending is one of the best endings I have ever seen in media. Also the music like any Persona game is top tier stuff as well as the final boss. I know I have complained about Persona 3 for months and basically forced myself to finish it but I can’t stress how good the ending is. I’d check it out if it eventually comes to Steam, but I wouldn’t recommend buying a PS2 just for P3FES.

I went into this game thinking it was going to be decent but overall a poor remake of the original game, story wise that is. But, I was definitely wrong because this game is not a normal video game remake at all. Rather, at its core this game is a remake of not the game itself, but something else entirely. Seeing all of the locations from the original game in all their detailed and to scale glory was amazing. I really thought spending the entire game in Midgar would be boring but every location was extremely detailed and had plenty of secrets to find. The combat is a ton of fun and being able to fight old enemies and bosses in this new system was great. Some enemies were kind of a pain in the ass for no reason and the longer battles were drawn out the more annoyed I was, though those battles are far an few. Another minor compliant in semi-scripted boss fights is that you could be wailing on a boss and then start your limit break or something and then it would cancel it out because the boss would have a cutscene with it going to its next phase, resetting its stagger gauge. I love the fact that your whole party can just go ham on one enemy but it sort of takes you out of it when in the middle of it the boss changes in a way and now they are no longer staggered. The characters are a huge plus to this game, all of them are expanded on even very minor ones. I thought it was pointless at first but I now see its significance. Cloud has great growth throughout the game, coming to enjoy the company of the group and Barret especially gets the award for the most improved from the original, they did his character so damn good. Some of the quest are hit and miss and I do not love some scenes where the game slows down your movement, but those are minor complaints because I enjoyed some of the quests and some of those scenes. The final chapter is really where everything comes together and it made me lose my shit, the final boss is fantastic.
I have no idea if this is the smartest game I have played or the most stupid but I really loved this game and I think it will show if this game is smart or stupid when part 2 releases and I can not wait. I still like the original miles more than the remake, I mean the original is a complete game, but I can for now appreciate what the remake is doing for the game. If you are interested in FFVII REMAKE I think the best way to experience it is if you play the original first, there is so much stuff that is likely to be missed if you have not played the original, especially some end game stuff (and you have time since part 2 will probably come out in like 10 years or some insane shit). If anything definitely check out either the original or remake both are great but together I think the games are really special.


OMORI is everything you could want from an RPG similar to the Mother series and Undertale. OMORI is beautifully crafted with a colorful world full of amazing sprite art, hilarious dialogue, insane music (there are like 20 battle themes and they are all bops), fun battles, tons of replay value with different endings and stuff you likely missed, and very real characters. I was easily immersed into OMORI's world and the story was an emotional roller coast, with an ending that was very powerful. This is a story about self-acceptance, anxiety, depression, and coming to terms with death. While I am certainly not well voiced in a majority of those topic I definitely felt that they were handled quite expertly and created a narrative like no other. I could gush about OMORI for a long time but it's really something you should experience for yourself, and since the game is relatively new it would be best to try to go in as blind as possible.

Not a huge fan of the story mode, but god damn Splatoon hits hard sometimes. Salmon Run with the boys never gets old.

A really tight Mario Kart game, I actually felt like I was in complete control of my kart in this one. One major thing that annoys me about this game is that Nintendo never gave updates to it, there could have easily been new cups added and more. The battle mode added in deluxe was nice though.

My first Animal Crossing game. It was really enjoyable and there are so many options, honestly I think I got burned out by the amount of options present. Great game to vibe to, maybe I will return to it some day.

This game is a ton of fun and I really want to get back to it one day.

I'm counting this as all four available character stories offered in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. An amazing package with butts loads of content, that was constantly updated up until the final story, 'King of Cards.' There is a lot of love in this series and I'm so happy Yacht Club Games received so much support for this game.

This game has everything I would want in a smash game, besides a good story mode. At this point though, I really don't mind. This game has so much great content and heart put into it, I hope Sakurai knows how much this game and the entire series means to me and everyone that plays these games.

A great introduction into the Sonic series, it was so fun to just randomly pick up and play again when the Switch did not have a large catalogue of games.

A really beautiful game, the gameplay is tight and the music is wonderfully crafted. One day I'll go back to finish the B and C sides.

I'm just being fair with the amount of hours I have here, who knows how many I have actually played

Pokemon White was the version I played the most as a kid even after I beat it so I could easily have hours in the 100s and not know it

Great music, funny dialogue, and a very charming story. It sucks Alpha Dream went bankrupt, because in their hay day they knew how to make a banging RPG featuring gaming's best set of brothers.

Funny, charming, and a whole load of fun. I really hope this game gets a port to a home console because my hands were destroyed after playing on my original 3DS. After Sakurai takes his long deserved vacation I really hope his next project is Kid Icarus related or the revival of another old series, Sakurai really knocked it out of the park with this one.