Is the game perfect? Definitely not, but I still had a really enjoyable time, and the story was engaging. In a world full of open world games with way too much to do, this game's linearity was perfect for me

I enjoyed the game for about the first 2/3rds; however, the last third I became pretty bored with the game since I did not care about the characters. The combat is great, but I think I should have played the game on normal, because hard had a bit too much grinding which might have caused myself to become bored with the game quicker.

Final fantasy VII may be the most surprising game I have played in a long time. While some of the famous plot points were spoiled well before I played through them, I still found that many of them hit incredibly hard when seeing them in the context of the entire game. While the game has not aged perfectly in terms of presentation, the writing(even with translation issues) has to be up there for some of my all time favorite dialogue. I appreciate this the most in an age where most dialogue in JRPGs are delivered by anime trope filled characters(looking at you FE engage and Tales of Arise).

Great game, Peter Parker was kinda whiny imo though

Pretty fun for a couple hours. Not much more

The game lacks polish in many areas whether its combat, story, or its generic dungeons. However, the game exudes passion in all of its dialogue from tons of jrpg references to some really good osts especially at the end of the game. That passion will always win me over even if the game could be improved in specific areas.

A great example of how a 2d platformer can be so much more than just its gameplay. A gorgeous soundtrack(which will be on my spotify playlists), beautiful art, and an emotional story make this game one of the best 2d platformers ever.

This is what Kingdom hearts Melody of Memory should have been. The platinum trophy along with all the series quests made me have to try out different characters and strategies.

I loved this game. Everything from the first game was improved from the music to the level design. My favorite part had to be how each class felt like they had their purpose. I never felt upset by having to be a different class.

Difficulty in video games is one of the hardest balances to strike. I have played too many games where it feels like the simple answer to beating a boss fight is leveling up. That's not an option in Cuphead. In a game where you die a lot the greatest feat Cuphead achieves is making most deaths feel like user error. I knew my deaths were attributed to my lack of skill which in turn made my come crawling back to each boss fight. I look forward to getting through the dlc in the future.

Rogue legacy took me about 8 years to finish do to many restarts on various laptops. However, I do not regret any time spent in this game. The various effects that different traits and combinations with classes really change the way you play through each player.

How the hell was this fit on to the WII. Also the soundtrack is gorgeous.

There are legitimately some things I loved about the game. I loved the soundtrack, and I also really enjoyed the world which looked beautiful everywhere. That being said, I found the characters motives to flip flop all over the place. Towards the end some twists happen that characters motives wildly swing which I was not a big fan of. I recognize the game has some great strengths, but it was just not for me

High on life’ s best quality is just being different. The highest compliment I can give it is that it feels like a 1st person adult ratchet and clank. For me, that is a huge sell and would make this an easy recommendation to many people!

I really was impressed by the sheer amount of kingdom heart’s songs in the game. While I would say those looking for significant story development will be disappointed. In addition as the story from the games retold from Kairi’s story does not really add much to her character. The music aspect is actually pretty good, but due to the notes being enemies, they can be distracting and hard to tell what the actual rhythm is. While I can’t deny that nostalgia is what carries my review, the music from these games is just absolutely fantastic