In my heart, Destiny gets a 8 out of 5 stars. But in reality, it has hurt me way too much for me to be so blind. I adore so much about this franchise and enjoy it whenever i play. But it sucks up so much of my time and patience and i feel like i can never truly get everything out of it because i cannot sit for 3-5 hours at a time to complete raids.

The second best! When i played this it had been a long long time since i was so head over heels with an action game. I want to say this is the last game I played on PS4 and what a way to end a generation.

Took me a long time to beat it because it came out, what, a week before Breath of the Wild? lol When I eventually got off my Zelda high and got back to this, it became one of my favorite gaming experiences. The story, the setting, the gameplay. So much magic is here.

I remember the day this came out. I remember my wife knowing I wanted it and her coming home from work to surprise me with it. It very quickly became my favorite game at the time. So much cinematic action, it was like playing a modern Indiana Jones and I loved every second.

I will always remember this as the game that got me back into gaming. I took a long long break from playing because I just didn't care anymore. The hype for this was so big that I jumped in and I'm still riding that wave.

I can't believe the magic Nintendo can squeeze into a game. So much fun to be had here and I enjoyed it immensely.

I had way too much fun with this to give it anything less than 5 stars. It was empty, it was lacking, there were a bunch of quirks and things that could've been better. BUT, nothing will beat the fun and excitement of exploring and finding different Pokémon in the wild and catching them on a whim. NOTHING.

It's smash. No, no, no... it's the biggest and best smash. Sometimes I like to pretend I know what I'm doing while playing. The other times, I just straight up have no clue but I have fun nonetheless.

Sometimes I need a hit of Fortnite like it's food. Other times I don't care to even look at the icon. But all the time, in the back of my mind, I know there's a very large and VERY ridiculous amount of money I've spent on this game, so the obligation to continue playing will forever nag at me.

Rating it for my list because I remember coming home from school, laying on my bed propped up on my elbows, 3 feet away from my CRT, playing this like it was the greatest thing in the world. I got so into it that if I fell from a great height, I would feel it in the pit of my stomach as if I was falling. SO GOOD.

THIS GAME. This game came at a time where the world stood still. But this helped pass the time so much, I'll never forget it.

Another one I'm rating because I have such fond memories. I remember getting the SNES for Christmas and playing this till very late. So much that I went to bed and felt as if Yoshi was burned into my eyes. I told this to my parents and they said I played too much. HA!

My first PS5 game! It was everything I loved about Marvel's Spider-Man, but wrapped up in a tighter, small bow. Freaking loved it. Still want to go back to platinum.

LOVED this series. So, so much. Combat was like poetry about butter on a hot bagel.