Too long for its own good. It if was 2 hours instead of 5 this would be a 9-10/10. Everything except the length works in the game's favor.

Basically the longest movie I've ever played (although I haven't played Death Stranding yet).

Every time I so much as think of this game I want to kill myself a tiny bit more. Games like this are killing the industry.

A real banger. Not sure if this or DS3 is better, but I might say this one? Idk man really.

Easily one of the best RPG's I've ever played. It somehow balances a great battle system with hilarious dialogue and characters. The final boss might be my favorite of all time. James Rolfe called Giygas "intangible", and that's the perfect way to describe the final fight. My biggest issue is the fact that our main characters talk incredibly rarely. It attempts to push this romance between Ness and Paula, and it doesn't work. In spite of that, it's close to perfect in my eyes.

Been playing on and off for around a year and some parts are terrible and awful and make me want to throw and destroy parts of my living space, but the rest is perfect. The best platformer on the N64 by far. Tooie is expensive and I don't own an Xbox so I don't know when I'll be able to get to that one. Also the first game I've ever 100%ed.

Started this early in the summer and finished it a few days before school starts up again. Great, as I was expecting. Many moments made me chuckle and the game overall has a great atmosphere. The battles never got old, and in my 30+ hour playthrough I never got bored. I already own TTYD and that might be the most hyped game in my backlog.

An ultimately shallow game with some visual charm. Fortnite, but it's a platformer and still pretty terrible. Movement is labored and slow, and the chaos just seems one-sided.

The most nothing entry in the series.

One of the best games ever made and easily the best RPG ever made.

One of the best RPG's ever made. I don't know why people hate the battle system. Really.

A massive disappointment. It removes the best element of the first game and has a story so forgettable, I forgot it.

Everything apart from the art design is complete ass, I don't know why this is called one of the greats.

The game is amazing, that's out of the way. Everything is so fine tuned it leads to the most addicting experience in the history of my gaming career. I've played this game so many times, I've almost gotten bored of it. I started the game on Saturday the 29th and played 43 HOURS in two weeks. That is with classes by the way. The game triggers something in my brain that just turns me into a robot. I can't stop, but I NEED TO. HELP. My address is Ǫ̵̢͡͡ĺ̴í̶̸͘v̧̨͏e̶҉͘ ̸̨̕͡G͝͞͞ą̶̢ŕ̸̵d́͏̢̕͞e̴̛͞҉̧n̢͜.