Never been a fan of the visual style. Forgettable if anything.

An hour of total nothing. Avoid at all costs.

My first playthrough was 18 hours. The second was 11. My most recent was 5. This is the greatest game ever made.

Current Time: 3:38

The best puzzle game since Tetris.

Great start to the Yoshi style of game.

This review contains spoilers

An absolute slog. A third of the way in I thought, "People call this bad? This is great." Two thirds in and this, "It's a little repetitive, and the story isn't great, but it might have a decent finale." I got to the second fight with Peace Walker and decided to put it down. The game attempts an odd mission structure that might've worked for portable consoles (I know it was released on PSP), and it works okay here, but some missions make me want to chuck my controller through my screen. The Hind fight and heading towards the control tower near the end. The Tactical Reload from 1-3 was removed making reloads an absolute pain. Speaking of pain, The Phantom Pain made missions fun by having variety and hundreds of different ways to approach a problem. In this game you,
A) Tranq everyone.
B) You just tranq everyone.

I haven't even mentioned the story yet either! And I don't think I need to say anything! It just doesn't make sense. It is the 1970's and Big Boss is fighting weapons that are MORE POWERFUL than the Metal Gear that Snake fights 21 YEARS LATER. The AI is more advanced, it can walk like the Gekko's in Guns of the Patriots. Peace Walker and and the other AI weapons just don't make sense. Don't get me wrong, I'm also not defending Sahelanthropus. The most powerful Metal Gear in the series was just taken by Mantis and Liquid and the head was used for Rex in 2001. I'm not saying that makes sense... but at least it was fun to fight against! It was really intimidating and the Extreme version of the mission is something I occasionally go back to fight again. The issue lies more with the AI and not the robotics. They recreated a version of the Boss (granted it was imperfect) and used it to tactically launch a nuke at Mother Base in 1974. That tech would be impressive in 2001 during the Shadow Moses incident. It would be more than impressive. It would be astronomical. Sahelanthropus wasn't even AI controlled in The Phantom Pain. It was Mantis patching Liquid through to control it (I think).

Overall, I absolutely despise this game.
The gameplay is either repetitive or terrible, the story makes no sense, and frankly it has no business being a Metal Gear game. The consistent greatness of these titles does not deserve something so boring and lackluster. This game has no right being this bad and I have no desire to even finish it.

Also Extra-Op 67 exists okay bye.

Not the juggernaut like everyone says. I never thought to myself that it was anything more than serviceable. The campaign? Ok. The gameplay? Ok. Mission 7? No. The first and final levels are the best, so the entire middle feels just mediocre. If I played this back in 2001 when it was released I'd probably have some nostalgia for it, but I hadn't been born. The entire world of Halo just feels empty and boring. The interiors look so bland and lifeless. I know they were going for lifeless, but my point still stands. The enemies get unbelievably repetitive and tedious the more you fight them. Also the fact that they know English really confuses me. According to the lore the war had been going on for six years at that point, but it still annoys me. The weapons are designed really well in my opinion. Every earth weapon looks like a sci-fi version of a current day model people use now. The Covenant weapons also work well. They look like something from a completely alien world. The Needler homes in one the target while allowing you to run if you have low health. The Plasma Pistol works for dealing massive damage and destroying shields at the cost of ammo. And the Plasma Rifle isn’t even a rifle and seems like just a reskin of the standard pistol. A massive gripe I have about weapons is the fact that they don’t stay consistent between levels. My favorite weapon is the sniper rifle and I wanted to use it the entire game, so after I got it in mission 3 I never dropped it. In the mission after it just got replaced. It annoyed me every time I entered a new mission, because I knew I wouldn’t have the weapons I had before. That covers most of what I wanted to talk about. If anything now I’m looking forward to Halo 3 more than I was this one. That made the jump to the 360 and I don’t think the OG Xbox was really ready to handle a game this massive.

Overall I enjoyed the game, but shooters have EVOLVED a lot since this came out.

Decent amount of fun. Every world feels distinct. Beating this was a fun afternoon.

I hated this game for the longest time, but while the original still reigns supreme, this does bring more to the table. The game isn't ruined by the first person perspective like some say, it does make some parts WAY too easy though. The cutscenes are a little too Matrix-esque for my liking, and I recommend any first time players play the PS1 release, but they work. To a degree. It's fine, overall.

Super Mario Galaxy acts as a landmark title not only for platformers, not only for the Wii, but for gaming in general. A title that expresses an unparalleled level of creativity and polish. It represents Mario finally breaking the mold with the 3rd dimension, and setting another standard for 3D platformers in the gaming landscape as a whole. Granted, I was a standard Nintendo would break again 3 years later, but I digress. Playing Galaxy on the Switch in the modern era feels unbelievable. It has aged like so fantastically that it looks modern despite being built 2 generations ago. Every single galaxy feels perfected, like the devs were looking over ever detail with a magnifying glass. The score complements these levels with (at the time) the greatest score Nintendo ever put out. I remember looking at the copy of this I had on the Wii and thinking, "Someday..." Suffice to say I waited too long and I just played the Switch version. With all of that being said... Ghostly Galaxy best galaxy. GOODNIGHT.