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This review contains spoilers

Neat little Resident Evil clone, but that's all it has going for it. Cat was the best part. "It was all a dream" bullshit at the end was kinda lame but hey! Nifty playthrough just once.

A damned fine souls-like, with a few drawbacks. Combat experience was top notch, easily the highlight. Save for the enemy variety kinda fell short. Audio mixing was an issue with some of the loudness in the voice acting. Last gripe, there were far too many yellow-painted "LOOK HERE, GAMER, GO HERE. HERE'S YOUR NEXT OBJECTIVE!!!!".

Those aside, I truly enjoyed its presentation and combat loop. Some of the boss designs were SUPER sick, and I look forward to my second playthrough to hopefully 100% the game, and get the 2nd ending.

This is my second time playing through TLOU2, on PS5. First playthrough was on release on PS4 in 2020, so doesn't quite count? All that aside, I mean it's Naughty Dog - the mechanics work like a charm and it is easily one of the most beautifully presented games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. But when it comes to gameplay loop? Gets a little repetitive, despite the strong narrative arc that Druckmann takes you through.

After having JUST finished Metroid: Fusion, and going back to replay this game, I had a mostly enjoyable experience! Controls left a little to be desired, felt a little funky at times. But by and large really enjoyed this "sequel", and will be revisiting for sure!

First and foremost, an incredible, BEAUTIFUL remake from Bluepoint. The attention to detail and environmental design was out of this world. For the "start" of the soulsbourne franchise, it was really interesting to go back and play this, knowing what I know now - after experiencing Sekiro, DS3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. Put those times I've had with those games into context in an interesting way - on top of the sheer polish and incredible visual fidelity this game has. Very much looking forward to subsequent playthroughs!

An absolute CHARM of a game, from top to bottom. Oozing with personality, from the character design, environmental design, overall art style, interactions with followers - the list goes on. Building out your cult and tending to them is an incredibly satisfying gameplay loop that kept me playing for hours. Would highly recommend for those that dig rouge-likes and farm sims. A beautiful marriage between the two and MORE.

Super cool first full clear/experience with a Castlevania game! (Played on the Analogue Pocket, such a sick piece of hardware). The power scaling feels incredibly rewarding as you ramp up towards end game. Great great GREAT sprites. Environmental design left a liiiiittle bit to be desired, but otherwise, what a fun game.

Definitely a blast, with some cool creative concepts here. Gameplay loop is addicting at first, but once it's figured out, it can feel repetitive and same-same. Maybe that's the idea. But in and out for me on this one.

Funky, fluid, fun. Plays like a dream and looks INCREDIBLE. Story is compelling, and interesting to follow, albeit confusing at times. Would absolutely go back and play this a second time.

Ate this UP as a child, but in retrospect, have been growing away from the Pokemon series (at least the games, avid card collector). The grind just ain't that appealing to me. Hella personality in this one, for sure. But the time sink it requires is EH

In retrospect, a perfectly average experience for an FPS. Cell shading and uber amount of weapon variants was cool. But the dialogue and story can be a bit cringe. Guess it was definitely "of-its-time".

Was a solid WWI shooter in the vanilla stages, and fun to play, up until they patched the game and the only viable way to play and get kills was to use a vehicle. No counter-play to it, anti-vehicle weaponry nerfed into the ground. Snooze.

I mean, it takes a creative approach on the battle royale format, I'll give it that much. But it's still a dang battle royale.

Why play this when you can just play Minecraft?