Totally saves FFXIV and its story. Helping an exhausted kingdom end a thousand year war against dragons is just so cool and I love this expansion so much for that

I finished this back when it came out and forgor to log it. lmao.

Whoever said this game was 70 hours lied to my face this was way shorter than I thought it would be. Honestly probably my favorite cast in a Persona game so far (haven't touched 5 yet) for the sole reason that everyone is an idiot and stupid and I love them for that. Fun story but that true ending twist honestly got on my nerves pretty bad. Still! I love the murder mystery aspects of the plot and honestly didn't hate a single member in my party... except Teddie obviously.

Gameplay... well it's not great to be honest. It's my fault for playing P3R and then starting the older game, but point still stands. Some enemies and bosses are like the easiest thing ever, and then you can come across a group of enemies that manage to get the jump on Yu and instakill him forcing you to restart the whole floor again. It's super annoying! And man do I miss having the shift mechanic.

Overall I recommend, the 50 hours go by pretty quick if you ask me.

Wow… I need a minute to think about this

Do you ever just feel nothing while playing a game?

If it wasn't for the shitty jumpscares and the really bad bugs at the end, this would be a 10/10 masterpiece

The beginning of the game was kind of a slog to get through and the ending felt a little rushed, but this was still a pretty great game. Wish I saw more Venom too though. Also the game was super buggy for some reason. Should’ve delayed it a bit to fix those bugs.

Crazy fall off, how do you mess up this bad?

Had to drop it too many games coming out and stopped having fun with combat. Still 5/5 stars I just suck.

story mode just ends out of nowhere