37 reviews liked by TheJimbo

I made Hank Hill an evil dark lord and Peter Griffin was in love with Hatsune Miku.

God, I fucking hate everything about this game. Diablo loot-ass, grindy-ass, repetitive boss rush-ass, disjointed mechanical bloat havin'-ass, slow as fuck pace-ass, constantly keeping the wiki open needing-ass game. 8/10.

One of my favorite shooters. Fuck EA.

How did Obsidian make this clunky-ass, cobbled-together-ass game better than anything Bethesda has put out? Flaws be damned, this game understands how to be an RPG better than any game I've ever played.

Beautiful game, brilliant concept. Riveting all the way through.

The only Lego game that managed to keep me entertained until I 100%ed it. Lots of fun shit to do in this game! The level builder is something every Lego game should have.

It's cool because it allowed me to play Kanto without torturing myself playing the Gen 1 games.

I beat this shit in math class on a Chromebook emulator lol