Mfw "one of the greatest games of all time" is actually good 🤯

It made me cry like five times and only one of those times was it because of the story

Far too short, quality over quantity

Took me less than an hour to beat but I enjoyed my time, don't know what to think of it because of that

The 4th case is a masterpiece and the Psych lock is a great way to develop the investigations. Unfortunately the game is dragged down by the 3rd being filled with annoying characters, borderline pedophilia and insane leaps of logic as well as a lacklustre overall storyline and less memorable music.

Did I beat the game or am I just beginning

I loved it but nothing is ever going to make me actually understand the plot of Xenoblade 3.

Really cool idea but it should've been a sequel to Smoove Moves

You can tell that it's inspired by sonic the hedgehog by the dogshit story

A perfect story and combat system that I felt were severely hindered by some parts like frustrating world design (constant random encounters and corridor routes made exploration tedious) and making every music track in the game amazing outside of the boss theme, which you hear a LOT. The second half became a massive slog with the grinding. I dunno, maybe I was doing it wrong.

Held back by gameboy controls and audio. While the story is nothing special, it is still a very well designed game

The best "2D" Zelda. I can't think of another game that achieves so much heartbreak with such a simple story. Amazing music and game design are just a bonus.

The base game was pretty much perfection and I'll overlook the bonus case being a bit too long and vague with its answers