Play this game if you want to consider suicide

Pick this up and grind it out in an afternoon

Easily the best game on the switch (with mario odyssey as a close second). This game is one of the most fun and exciting games ive ever played. Easily the best open-world game I've ever played (although this may change when I get around to finishing elden ring). Every space on the map has essentially be packed with content. This is a dream game where litterally anywhere you go is the right way to go, and It encourages you to explore the world of the game in a way that doesn't use any bullshit rewards that do nothing. This is a system seller and people who own a switch and don't own this game have a lack of brain cells

I mean what else can you really say about this game. There's so much to do not only in single player but multiplayer as well. This has always been a game that I will fall back onto to play by myself or with friends every once in a while, and will probably forever be one of my favorite games of all time

This botw and smash ultimate are the only games worth buying a switch to play. This game was fucking awesome and the first 3d mario i played (i never got around to playing any of the galaxy games ik sue me) and did not disappoint. A reminder that 2017 was truly a golden age for nintendo

This game is one of the most fun party games to play with friends. A shame you have to go through the bullshit of playing on a switch to enjoy it though

This was a really fun game to play on the ps4 but the story was pretty forgettable and a lot of the collectables and stuff post the story is pretty lame. The gameplay takes center stage here, and is one of the most fluid and fun experiences ive ever had in a game.

This games pretty fun to play alone and with friends

This game was alright but i got to a point where the gameplay was stale (i wasnt investing in shit and didn't have money to do anything) so i gave up.

Played this on my ps4 but abandoned it after doing a few missions. I didn't hate the game I enjoyed it a lot but got caught up with other games and stuff. If i get this game on pc I'll definitely get back to playing and beating it

Great game, however the DLC being THAT expensive is annoying, and didn't really add much from 8, as this is just a re-release for the switch.

Played this on my ps4 but got bored after the first mission