The most overhated game in the entire series. This game is my favourite smash game idc the story was elite and fun and the soundtrack and intro was elite. Played this game the most out of the smash games and I fucked up my friends in this game.

Great game to play with friends. Easily my favourite mariokart game

Pretty fun to play with friends

This game was fucking awesome

It was fun when it first came out but fell off hard

Imma be honest I'm just a D1 Riot games hater. Abilities are cool but I'd rather just play overwatch for that. And the gunplay is just objectively worse than CS, as the spread between weapons is laughably bad. If you want a 5v5 shooter you can either play CS or R6S. If you want to use cool abilities and express yourself you can either play TF2 or Overwatch. This game just sucks and idk how it's still this popular

Not only one of from softs best games, but one of the best games oat. Glad it won goty with help from reformed orthodox rabbi bill clinton. Apart from performance issues i experienced as i ran the game on pc, this game is probably as close to perfect as it can possibly get.

This game gets better the more you play it and the DLC bosses are some of the best in the entire soulsborne series. Only real downsides are that the chalice dungeons can be a pain in the ass and there are a few bosses that suck balls to fight

Its pretty fun. ending was pretty funny too

Top 3 fromsoft, slightly better than bloodborne

Really solid game but it does show its age pretty prominently in some sections of the game. This is probably my least fav from soft game but its still pretty solid and id recommend picking it up if you own a ps5.

This game has some of the worst level and boss design i have ever seen in any video game ever. This shit is actually sometimes worse than valley of defilement in demons souls.

But on the other hand, brume tower is one of the funniest areas i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing in any video game ever.

4/5 i might play again in 6 months

also 100%ing this game sucks donkey balls as you will have to farm npcs for 2-4 hours to get all the shitty covenant items you need to get 2 miracles you can't get anywhere else. Not at bad as ds3's completion criteria but it makes me thankful they removed covenants in elden ring.