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Its pretty good. I think a lot of people like to argue that this game is a significantly better experience that scolar, and while i would say its better for new comers, its not that much. Iron keep is definitely a LOT better, but dragon's shrine's addition in scholar for the dragon phantom in the second half , and generally just a lot better placement of enemies makes the run up to ancient dragon (if you do choose to kill it) a lot less painful.

100%ing this game is a lot more painful than scholar, as since scholar added in the falconeers at the royal army campsite bonfire, getting sunlight medals is a pain in the ass in this game. I think its also bugged too, as I had to use a bonfire aestetic even though i was in the covenant of champions, because im 99% sure that the loot pools for sunlight medals ran out, which doesnt happen in scholar if you are apart of the cov.

I would recommend this game slightly more than scholar for new comers, as i think through that lens scholar can be seen as something light legendary dark knight mode in dmc. but as a whole I would rate the games around the same margin, although I do again slightly prefer this to scholar, even though i'd rather go through some areas in scholar and some in vanilla ds2.

what a game. how it manages to surpass botw and make it look like a demo is no short of a fucking miracle. Easily game of the year, most definitely a contender for game of the decade , and at the very least ties dark souls 1 as my favorite game of all time. The 6 year wait was definitely worth it and it should be a criminal offence to own a switch and not own this game.

Lives up to the hype of being an awesome playable character. Only reason this is getting 4 starts however is that its JUST a playable character dlc. Its a real shame how dirty vergil has been done by capcom. The only game in the entire franchise where vergil has a unique campaign to the story and isnt just padded replay value is the fucking reboot. Although I would have this than that shitty dlc that actually made the character more shallow than the already boring ass story.

holy fuck this game gooooooooooooooooooood

For lasting an hour and a half the dlc did at least the bare minimum and entertained me. The combat for vergil is good but not as good as dantes in the base game. It's still solid but felt that it was a bit rough at times, especially when trying to go for cool and high scoring combos. Theres only one boss in the dlc and while it is a good one its a shame that there isnt at least a couple more. The story is pretty garbage but thats an issue with the base game also. With that said its definitely worse than the base game as vergil doesnt really see any development and becomes even more shallow than he was in the base game. As it's only an hour and a half long i'd recommend playing it if you enjoyed the base game as vergils move set is a nice change from dantes, but if you didn't particularly enjoy your time with the base game you won't get much out of this

A solid entry into the dmc franchise. I didn't connect to dmc4 as much as I did with dmc3 (or even dmc1), but the new changes to the currency along with adding the ability to switch styles in real time as dante were amazing changes. I felt the bosses and enemies in this game were its major flaws, as I can only really name a handful of missions that i really enjoyed. The bosses especially are a huge letdown with the last couple being very poorly designed, and only one or two that are comparable to the greats in dmc1 and 3. Still, I'd recommend playing this game for the story as I think Nero is a pretty interesting character, and am looking forward to see where his character goes when I play 5.

The narrative is laughably bad but the combat is some of the best in the series. It only took me around 7 hours to beat on devil hunter after playing through each game in release order. I almost skipped this game after beating 4 cus i wanted to go straight onto 5, but I would recommend against this. As the game is definitely on the shorter side its really easy to quickly knock it out in one or 2 days, and while this takes place in a completely different world than the other games the combat is so incredibly fun that I'd recommend playing it just for that. In a way its a game that's "So bad its good" and some of the funniest and most out of pocket moments in the franchise come from this. Ninja theory were smoking crack when they made this game and it suprisingly works

One of the best trilogies in gaming, right up there with the dark souls trilogy. DMC 1 is a fantastic action game, and while DMC 2 does drop the ball a bit, DMC 3 more than makes up from it and playing every game in order (including the lucia disk on dmc2 after beating the game as dante) makes beating DMC 3 one of the best experiences ive had in gaming. The HD cutscenes make the games still hold up well to this day, and even the live action cgi cutscenes in DMC 1 and 2 are basically so bad its good. I love everything about this trilogy and DMC 3 alone is enough to buying this trilogy at full price.

TL;DR: play the base game and sam dlc instead, unless you want to find out the backstory of an ok character in the story.

This dlc is definitely the weakest part of MGRR, which is a shame as it was the last piece of content added to the game, and will most likely be people's last first experiences with it. This pack leaves a really sour taste in this otherwise amazing product as blade wolf is just not fun to play as. He dies in 4 hits and does no fucking damage, and most of the combat in this game boils down to stealthily avoiding enemies or delivering one shot killing blows which over the span of an hour becomes boring pretty fast. This goes horribly with the final boss in the game who you are required to parry quite often and have limited heals to actually kill. I sucked ass at parrying as blade wolf and while I will admit some of it was on me having a skill issue with the game, I never felt that the timing or hitboxes were consistent or fair, and it turned this otherwise ok boss into a nightmare that took me around 2 hours to beat, as I just ended up spamming air attacks and dodging at a safe distance which still ended up in me coming to a close win due to the aforementioned poorly designed hitboxes. That boss alone is enough for me to not recommend playing this pack, and to just stick with the base game and the sam dlc, as I genuinely believe it is up there with the Bed of Chaos from DS1 and the big fish from lucia's disk in DMC2 as one of the worst designed boss fights ever. But the rest of the dlc and blade wolfs mechanics results in the only redeeming quality of the pack as finding out the backstory to an ok character in the story of MGRR.

Sam is fun to play as but the dlc is really short (only around an hour long) and i'd say is significantly harder than the base game. I think sam is really fun to control and the charged heavy attack is really fun to mix in with combos. But i think judging it on its own it is fine.

Amazing hack and slash. The final 2 bosses are some of the best I've ever fought in any game period. The combat is also some of the most engaging and fun I've seen in a game for a while. The game took a while to click with me (around 4-5 missions) but once it does it is extremely entertaining and enjoyable to play. Definitely one of the best hack and slashes I've ever played

arguably the best indie game oat

This game has some of the worst level and boss design i have ever seen in any video game ever. This shit is actually sometimes worse than valley of defilement in demons souls.

But on the other hand, brume tower is one of the funniest areas i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing in any video game ever.

4/5 i might play again in 6 months

also 100%ing this game sucks donkey balls as you will have to farm npcs for 2-4 hours to get all the shitty covenant items you need to get 2 miracles you can't get anywhere else. Not at bad as ds3's completion criteria but it makes me thankful they removed covenants in elden ring.

Really solid game but it does show its age pretty prominently in some sections of the game. This is probably my least fav from soft game but its still pretty solid and id recommend picking it up if you own a ps5.

Top 3 fromsoft, slightly better than bloodborne