I have done 2 playthroughs of this game so far, one with dante and lucia, and with all of that knowledge I believe that this game's a tad bit overhated.

Does the combat suck? yes, removing delay based combat is one of the worst moves this game did.

Do the bosses suck? yes, Infested chopper the fish in the lucia disk and pretty much every single boss except for the VERY final boss's second phase for dante (which i did like) is either boringly forgettable or just awful.

Does the music suck? not necessarily, but it is incredibly forgettable and I've never gone back to ANY individual track on spotify or youtube.

Other complaints I have are that the enemy names are completely useless (they litterally mean nothing and are just bland filler words that make no sense), DT guns literally mow down any enemy or boss in SECONDS, the game's difficulty is laughably easy except for some annoying spikes in the second half, the story sucks, while some people like it dante's fit is NOT it (the black and red do not mesh well with how he wears it), the story is bland and this is coupled with a laughably bad main villain, the style meter words went from making sense in the first game to just random ass words the dev team thought of (WHY IS THE PHRASE FOR D "Dont Worry" WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE WORRYING), skill upgrades have been changed with weapon upgrades which litterally do nothing except make the weapons slightly more powerful, along with weapons just being shitty reskins on the basic sword with either more damage but less range or less damage but more range, and the world building and level design is all over the place, with the game mainly making one big open room to fight enemies in (or just run past if u dont want to fight them) after another, until you either mission end or fight a boss.

The game is by all means a complete downgrade

With all of that said though,

running up walls is kinda fun.
i like the final boss for dante.
lucia's devil trigger design looks neat.
the boss "orangguerra" has a funny name.

In conclusion, I think everybody needs to play this game just to be reminded of what a bad video game actually is.
Also playing 3 after this is probably the best jump in quality i've ever seen from a direct sequel

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Played the HD version of this game. This game was my introduction to the DMC franchise and I hold it dear to my heart, as I believe that its combat systems hold up so incredibly well to this day. While there are some parts that didn't age as well (nightmare and mundus fights), nelo angelo and many of the enemies in this game are just so fun to play and fight against. The 2 weapons you have access to also are amazing to use and unlocking their skills was a really fun motivator to keep playing the game, along with finishing it off in general. It holds up incredibly today and would highly recommend checking this game out just to experience its influence and the progression from the series as a whole

The movement is probably the best I've seen at least in any multiplayer shooter I've played. The campaign is surprisingly well thought out and good too. Weapons are fun and varied and the loadouts for titans was fun to customize and mix together. Highly recommend picking up even for the campaign, especially if you're a fan of apex doom or other movement shooters

Great and fun game to kill time alone or with friends. Mechanics are fun and story is passable. Enemy encounters and boss fights are also fun. I also enjoyed its parody elements a lot. Would recommend but not much to get out of it after beating its main campaign, which takes around 6-7 hours

I miss games that had a mid story but fun gameplay ;(

One of the better rage games I've played. While I vastly prefer Getting Over It to this the unique artstyle and more open movement made playing, quitting, and then almost 2 years later returning to beat it quite an endearing experience. If you want to get into rage games or just have some fun with friends for a couple nights, this is probably a good start.

Really great game. While it's quite short it says a lot with no spoken worlds. Game is bleak and although it turned me off at first after coming back to the game I appreciated it a lot. The gameplay while very minimalistic creates really interesting puzzles that are fun to do. Ending of the game is also insane. Definitely worth playing


While the game is quite short (2-3 hours), The artstyle is one of the best I've seen in a game, and its story and music are phenomenal, backed up with gameplay that really fun. Definitely worth getting to kill an afternoon, especially if it's on sale.

Pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this game. I thought initially it would be a 6-7/10 but I was genuinely shocked to see how well it holds up today. There are some issues with the controls (dodges at times are kinda ass and there is a bit too much use of slow-mo during combat) but it was never enough for me to really mind it too much. The combat in this game is really fun, and using light in creative ways to kill opponents was really fun from the start of the game till the end. The story too is also quite ambitious and while it isn't perfect I'd say that Remedy did a good job at executing the main direction it wanted to achieve with Alan wake. There are specific plot twists that happen in the game which initially I didn't like too much but as I endeared with the game till the very end I eventually at some point came around to them and enjoyed the ride. Overall for how much this game costs now and how long the game is (10-11 hours) I'd say it's 100% worth getting for its quality, especially if its on sale like it often is for crazy low prices.

This DLC aims to add more character to the already existing villains that were underdeveloped in SM1, which I appreciated a lot. While it isn't too long, standing at around a 6 hour completion time, it uses this time well as to add to the characters of Hammerhead, Black Cat, and Silver Sabre which I appreciated a lot, as Black Cat especially was incredibly underused in the main game. The story itself was alright, nothing groundbreaking but somewhat enjoyable. Seeing Hammerheads development as a character was interesting. The bonus content while not adding much was also enjoyable. The ultimate scores for screwballs challenges are borderline impossible to get but since 100%ing the game only requires a spectacular score, getting one is definitely manageable and only took me 1 or maybe 2 attempts for each challenge. Crime bases were annoying as compared to the main game there was only one group of enemies, making them incredibly repetitive and boring at times. Their bonus challenges also are awful and specifically the final ones in the last dlc pack are borderline impossible, getting insanely high combos on enemies that are just not fun to fight. The collectibles on offer were also enjoyable to get, and hearing the audio logs around the respective characters was interesting. Overall good experience and doesn't take too long to beat or 100%. Good time killer if you have a weekend spare.

With my only experience in 3d mario games beforehand being 3d world odyssey and parts of 64 ive played, Galaxy definitely stands out as it puts a greater emphasis on the story of rosalina and the worldbuilding as a whole which I really appreciated. My only real complaints is the one of the galaxies I didn't really enjoy that much (fire and ice one) and that at times the movement was a bit clunky, but this was only in specific parts where the perspective shifted a lot and doesn't take away too much from the experience.
Really enjoyed this game and am looking forward to playing and beating the other games in 3d allstars, especially 64 as the jump from odyssey to it was a bit jarring for me, specifically how the worlds are set up in that game compared to odyssey

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It's ok. For a AAA game that costs full price it is wayyy too short. After playing 2 the combat is a bit rough around the edges but so was 1 and i'd say the combat has been improved with new venom abilites fun, albeit a bit annoying to activate mid combat. This games story and open world are probably its weakest links though. I don't know what I was expecting out of a 6-8 hour long campaign, but a bland open mainly filled with short side missions a couple collectables, mixed in with 2 really bland villains definitely left a sour taste in my mouth. The villains in 1 weren't much better, especially the majority of sinister 6 as without prior knowledge you would only have them around for 1-2 missions and would take them out about as fast as they entered, but Doc Ock at least had a lot more time to be developed and I enjoyed him far more than Krieger and Phin. You just can't develop villains in a video game in that short amount of time, and it resulted in Krieger coming off as a mid version of Devon Western from GTA V and Phin going from best friend to worst enemy in the span of like an hour. Overall while I do think that this game is worth playing before 2 to understand miles' backstory, paying full price for this game is something that I just can't recommend, and given the choice to buy either this or 2, I'd say just buy 2 and watch the summary video at the start of the game for a quick recap

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I haven't played MM just yet but the quality of gameplay ESPECIALLY combat from 1 to 2 is insane considering it came out just 5 years later and was fairly well done. They improved pretty much every single aspect from the first game and one of my favorite changes was the way they changed the gameplay loop of MJ.

Rather than pure stealth avoiding enemies which I didn't mind too much but was still annoying MJ missions are actually fun and the new upgrades to the taser were fun to experience. I especially loved the section in the final mission as it reminded me a lot of the early game combat in RE4 which I played recently; having to conserve shots and note cover to make it a really enjoyable experience. I'm almost begging insomniac to make a dlc revolving around MJ missions as I just enjoyed them so much more compared to the first game.

Aside from this, the new way web gadgets work is really well executed, as I found having to switch using a weapon wheel in the first game really annoying, and the quantity over quality approach made me just end up not using some of the gadgets, as I initially didn't find them cool or fun and just didn't bother to learn how to actually use them. While I definitely used some gadgets over others (r1+square gadget is my favorite) I still enjoyed the gadgets and felt that they all had a specific use case.

I generally enjoyed combat a lot more compared to the first game, and a lot of my praises on the game come from that, whether that be the upgrade tree being more engaging, to the new abilities being unlocked being cool and interesting, and actually made me question at times which ones I wanted to use in a specific mission or side activity.

While I've seen a lot of complaints at the game be around how it doesn't exactly do anything innovating, like other games that came out this year such as TOTK BG3 and from the short clips that I've seen from Alan Wake 2, I don't necessarily think that this is a bad thing, as SM2 aims to deliver a great 15-20 hour experience to players and doesn't necessarily need to do anything groundbreaking to do so.

While I would never in a million bagillion years ever consider SM2 to be goty in a year as competitive in quality as 2023, as I can confidently say that at least 3 of the other games that released in 2023 would beat it out of that award, I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, and that SM2 delivers on what it aims to achieve.

However I will say that the price point for a game this short is baffling, as someone could EASILY complete this game in like a weeks worth of casually playing.

Persona 4 Golden is one of the funniest games ive ever played. The characters are fucking insane and seeing them interact with the world and the protagonist is fucking amazing. Some of the shenanigans this game pulls are insane, and even when i was spoiled a lot of big things about the story (mainly the antagonist, iykyk) it still didn't fail to surprise me.

The characters and plot of this game are definitely its strongest assets. Every character, from party member to side, is from what ive seen at least fully fleshed out with their own motivations and fits well into this world. The final 3 party members you unlock are probably my favorite, as their story arcs were so interesting to watch and unfold in this massive ass game.

The gameplay however i liked considerably less that 5 (i played it first before this, both original and royal), and specific dungeons were particularly painful to go through as i found the combat boring or i wasnt powerful enough to take on enemies, resulting in grinding. Luckily, the PC port of this game at least lets you customise the difficulty INCREDIBLY, allowing me to give myself more exp and money after killing enemies resulting in less tedium and more story, which is what i got most out of the game. However, without spoiling much, one of the final dungeons thats tied to the new content they added in the golden portion of this game, had an annoying gimmic which made it frustrating to progress through the dungeon, and did dock a few points that put this game behind royal imo. However the ending sequence specifically to get the "true" ending was beautiful and mainly removed the sour taste in my mouth the previous gameplay section left otherwise.

I enjoyed this game a lot, and would highly recommend anyone to pick it up and play it, especially if you enjoyed 5 as much as i did.

Definitely one of the best 2d platformers to come out in a while, and definitely the best 2d mario platformer to come out in a WHILE. Wonder flowers and 10 star coins were really fun to find, and while i felt that they could have added even 1 or 2 more power ups, the amount we got were interesting and fun to play around with, for the most part at least (bubble flower is kinda doo doo imo). The only real negatives aside from that is that the game is kinda short (only 6 worlds one midlevel area and the bowser stages) and that this game is WAY more fun in a coop environment which i couldnt experience for the second half of the game. Overall great game to come out this year, definitely earned a goty nomination and am very excited to see the direction 2d mario platformers will go in, and 2d platformers in general, from this game.