Might just be the most meaningful game I've ever played. Gameplay is questionable though It's tailored and balanced for multiplayer and there is no one who will play with me while appreciating the story.

The main story of the game is actually genius by far the best part of the game. That's not really a surprise since it's the only thing SUDA actually did for this game. And while I'm harsh on it stuff like alice and vladimir was brilliant.

HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. Terrible remake thanks god the original got ported to pc.

A cult classic masterpiece love It.

Pain? Suffering even? The gameplay is very good and I'm the good olé hopium train

I haven't gathered my thoughts yet but I thinks it's an overall great campaign.

I have to confess that this is my favorite multiplayer in the series. The social features like customs and forge make this game worth playing. Campaign is dogshit though LMAOOOOOO

It's definitely better than the CE. The new cinematics are incredible but I fell the actual in game graphics kind of missed the halo style. Like the original H2 elites are the best elites in the series and this remaster utterly ruins the. Other than that it has a lot of weird lighting issues.

It has it's problems but it is the best way to play these games.

Might just be one of the worst remakes ever made.

This is my favorite story. And while I think it's overheated its still not great overall.

When I first played this game I didn't care much for the campaign and spent much of my time on the multiplayer. nowadays the campaign has grown on me, meanwhile I cant stand the multiplayer.