the snowpocalypse makes monsters of us all!!!!!!!!!!!

pretty good narrative game with light click em up elements about two people who both did bad things but for different reasons and one is definitely worse than the other but also IS HE????????? who can REALLY SAY!!!!!!!!! in this NEW WORLD.

anyway cool

pretty cool ride, albeit a very messy one, technically speaking, which is the main reason i'm marking it down... if it had been a more polished experience i'd be way more into it! alas

traveling alternate worlds by following fake graphical glitches is a neat idea, but it is somewhat marred by sometimes real graphical glitches (mostly z-fighting), although honestly it's rare that that happens and not too hard to differentiate the two

story of a writer trying to escape loss by hopping universes but just keeps making things worse

i guess this is heavily inspired by philip k dick, which is a famous author i've known about for a while but never actually read... given that i like what this game is doing, i would probably also dig the author, but who knows if i'll ever get to reading a book!!

so it's supposed to take place in (or at least start in) new york but wow there's a lot of non american accents... or am i wrong about it taking place in new york?? the longer it went on the more i questioned my own sanity, which i guess is appropriate to everything that happens in the game

honestly i loved it, the only mark against it is i feel alex and harold's stories felt... completely separate? like it was just a coincidence they happened to be heading in the same direction, rather than anything meaningful, which i would've also dug if that felt intentional, like if there was a third character instead of the third chapter being about alex again?

which brings us to the third character... kat

hilarious that the game teases a sequel to come out in 2016, but uh that didn't work out i guess ):

hopefully one day the developer manages to finish it! (according to a steam post... end of this year?? seems they've had a lot of Real Life Shit type trouble throughout the years, so i'm pullin for em)

as i'm continuing on my click em up kick, i find myself more and more frustrated by puzzle centric games with slow sweeping transitions that can't be skipped

this is REALLY bad in that regard

it'd be a relaly great game otherwise! it's basically one big escape room (as well as one smaller separate more traditionally-constructed escape room in the middle) and that part of it is great, but wow i hated navigating the world a lot

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cute lil click em up with some elements of dragon's lair (both aesthetically and mechanically, tho never as difficult)

i was disappointed at first when it started bringing in REAL WORLD shit, cause i just wanted a fun lil fantasy romp about a princess, but i was pleasantly surprised by the happy ending, and the sketches during the credits drawing analogues to the dad raising the kid was an extra nice touch

very good!


very cute!! short lil fairy tale click em up about a girl who lives on a fish planet being taken over my MECHANISMS, scary

only mark against it is puzzle solving can be a bit clunky just cause character movement is so slow, but the animations are cute enough and the puzzles easy enough to solve that i didn't mind, it was still mostly a smooth ride

dig the style, but frustrated by the slowness of the ux, like how slow my cursor moves, how slow it is to open up the notebook and sift through everything, and basically everything

i think the coating of molasses on the ux kind of works against the game design of digging through all the evidence and trying to find exactly the right thing to say

eventually i got so frustrated by that (and, admittedly, my own stupidity, which just amplified the issue) and used a walkthrough

i don't mind feeling stupid but i don't like when i feel punished for being stupid, and unfortunately the aforementioned slowness gave me that feeling, despite the text of the game never admonishing me

short and sweet, with a couple puzzles i would have NEVER solved on my own, phew

apparently there's a director's cut with more content that came out a couple years ago... who knew?!

i got this game on or near launch and played a ton of it but never finished all the achievements

picked it back up recently and hey nice a lot of new content! also the achievements are harder to get now oops

anyway good game i like farming and all that shit in video games so hey!

nothing special really

gets reallllllllllly slow but then you break it by playing the dungeon game and suddenly you have so many resources you don't know how to handle it

so that's what i did, and then i only had some grindy "break a million rocks" shit left so i did a speedhack to cap it off

not a very exciting end tbh

i was lied to

this game wasn't about a pop band touring the recently liberated world

big marks against it for that tbh, lost opportunity, and what it actually did was... fine but you know

give me what i was promised, cowards

lots of systems in this game that mostly feel superfluous (the creature capture stuff especially) until the superbosses that require the usual obscene amount of grinding that these games always ask for, and that shit sucks

ps fuck atb

the last mission standalone thing was just a bad roguelike and the most i have to say about it is that while looking up info on it i stumbled on a guide where a guy went on a rant about how the girls spend a lot of time "bickering about nothing" but they literally only had one fight and it lasted thirty seconds

that said it was still a bad story, just... completely pointless and offered nothing new

fairly middling idle game, also after you die the first time it stops being an idle game and you're just doing the same quick prestige loop over and over and over until you die again and do that a few times nonstop until you're done

and then it lets you die again after getting the "you won!" achievement but it seems like there's nothing else

basically cookie clicker but without the minigames and over way faster


ha wow man i liked this back in the day

i do not like it now

i sat there going for one of the secrets for the achievement dozens of times and it was just luck i finally got it, half the time the catapult launch would kill me, a quarter of the time i wouldn't even make it to the level exit

and that wasn't even the most frustrating thing, i swear i don't remember the game being as broken as it is in this build, like sliding down tunnels was extremely inconsistent and stuff, i just don't know

and that's not even mentioning he did an update which broke achievements, so i had to go back to the build that allowed it on steam, but the new "definitive edition" also just.. removes features full on, it's a really weird situation

anyway, this game is bad, but that's all right, edmund's still making other great games

three solid attempts over the course of like five years and i made it further this time but i give up i just hate this game i'm sorry to say

zero compelling characters

ugly world

filled with pointless shit

boring mechanics

not for me i guess

saw this had achievements so picked it up and saw how long the achievements wouild take so forced it to run at ridiculous speeds to unlock em faster

i GUESS you could call that cheating but i'd call it playing smart


anyway this thing is pretty old so i shouldn't really hold that against it but because it's old and simple it's also just not very pretty and i feel like you need pretty for a toy like this

c'est la vie