Ghostrunner's sequel is crazy good as its 10x bigger and cooler with more intricate levels and boss fights. At its core, its still the first-person hardcore slasher action while introducing new gameplay mechanics like the motorcycle and the wingsuit. Cannot believe I slept on this series for so long, definitely my GOTY 2023.

Overall, I am very impressed at how One More Level, an indie studio, can deliver damn near AAA graphics alongside fantastic mechanics and an intricate story. Not to mention how beautiful the environments are in both games. I really enjoyed reading the artifacts and listening to the audiologs. Heres to hoping for a Ghostrunner 3 or Story DLC. Maybe we'll meet Ghostrunner-60 or the Scions have taken over Dharma Tower. Whatever happens I will be there for the next entry.

What an amazing game. It was very hard, but it was incredibly fun and satisfying. I appreciated the moral support in Zoe and Architect. The story is straight forward (cyberpunk dystopia where you lead a rebellion), but they do a lot with it especially with its sequel.

This was actually a very well done game.

Fucking fantastic, THIS is how you end a series

This is open world done right, crafting done right, storytelling done right, the whole 9 yards

God bless 4A Games

This game is 50% bullshit, 50% fun

I like the new settings and bosses of this game, that sewer part is really cool

My biggest problem is that stupid ass slowdown from the mummies, but otherwise its as good as Metal Slug 1

This is Contra, but even better, way more fleshed out than those games

The final boss made me want to rip my teeth out my skull with my bare hands, but other than that it was a pretty good game

This game is so so so good. As someone who has previously ever heard about the Half Life franchise, I can say with certainty that it does live up to all the praise it gets. I also 100% it!!!

This game is genuinely one of the best beat em ups I have played since Castle Crashers and thats saying a lot.

Same thing from my Metro 2033 applies here, but my main issue with the game is that it strays away from the linear structure that 2033 creates. Although this would deter me away, the new weapons, boss fights, and the same atmosphere from 2033 still has me coming back to it.

It's eurojank, but very good eurojank. Lots of good characters and story in a linear structure which makes for an experience I think Half-Life 2 fans such as my self would enjoy. I also 100% it!!!

This is unironically my GOTY 2022. Very soulful!