An unexpected error has occurred, it seems every system but the original PlayStation has been erased from the timeline. Do not fret though human, there is plenty to play on the PlayStation game console, it's a beautiful system with a gorgeous use of low polygon count and warbly textures that only prove to make it more endearing. I have assembled a list of the most delectable in PlayStation visuals, as well as some nice CD-quality audio to bend you to it's will. Curated to perfection.....

If I detect any use of texture smoothing, I will terminate you. This is not a threat, this a promise.

In the meantime as the games are loading, please enjoy the introduction movie. The games showcased are but a taste and not a part of the main course, consider them the appetizer...my creator asked to share it, it is close to them.

L O A D I N G ...

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Game Title: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Genre: Action RPG - Platformer ... "Metroidvania"
Developer: Konami
Director: Toru Hagihara
Composer: Michiru Yamane

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/5HnhPNS0rqM

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/0Ghd3tvsNAs


God, do I really need to say anything for Symphony of the Night? Apparently so, since I already said things for Silent Hill and R4, other games most people already shower with compliments constantly. It's well-documented that Alucard has some of the best sprite animations in gaming history, they're second only to any time Hugo lands Gigas Breaker in Street Fighter III: Third Strike.
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ridge Racer Type 4

Game Title: R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
Genre: Racing
Developer: Namco
Director: ???
Composer(s): Kohta Takahashi, Hiroshi Okubo, Asuka Sakai, Tetsukazu Nakanishi, Koji Nakagawa

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/aKBJ8zSEGbA

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/YIhSABz6ip0


Part of me wanted to be coy and put Twisted Metal 2 here without saying a word, but despite my non-existent hipster sweater I feel it'd be a bit too conniving to just do R4 dirty because of how much love it gets on BL already. It's rare for me to enjoy minimalist styles especially with how much it is invading the mainstream on the corporate side of things, but somehow they did it here. I feel enough has been said about the soundtrack to this game, but even with my personal preference of the crazier music in older entries the track "Move Me" is just too damn good for words. It really drives home the fact that this race means everything, and you must win.

Give it your all, the team is counting on you.
Silent Hill
Silent Hill

Game Title: Silent Hill
Genre: Survival Horror
Developer: Team Silent
Director: Keiichiro Toyama
Composer: Akira Yamaoka

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/Wy34ChMlvow

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/I4J2gBFiM0A


I feel like Silent Hill has been dissected to literal hell and back. I actually thought twice about it when I was debating it's placement on here, because for some reason certain folks don't like the way this game looks? It's kind of insane, because it has a cool look to it that kind of brings that eeriness to it to make you uncomfortable. When I rented it as a young one, I never got far because...well I was scared of it! Maybe Akira Yamaoka needed to take it easy on that pots and pans soundtrack, at times it literally feels like it's stalking or even attacking you. To this day I still feel this is the scariest of every Silent Hill game, I kinda love/hate Akira Yamaoka because goddamn they're a genius when it comes to using a dentist drill to install dread into the player.

It was foolish to think twice about putting you here, I'm sorry Silent Hill.
Um Jammer Lammy
Um Jammer Lammy

Game Title: Um Jammer Lammy
Genre: Rhythm
Developer: NanaOn-Sha
Director: ???
Composer(s): Masaya Matsuura, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Shigeyoshi Kawagoe

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/GqD1v-C1aw4

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/L5g1Xui9k4o

BONUS PAL/Japanese Stage 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKVBWL8F3XE


A psychedelic experience through and through. Whenever I listen to Fright Flight!! I immediately break into my shitty James Hetfield impersonation and go "LOOKUPINDASKY GIMMAALLYAGOT NEVAHGIVEITUP SOLDIAAAAA!!!" while headbanging with Lammy and the PTSD air force vet who thought milk was pink. I noticed a ton of people picking Parappa for their S&S lists and I'm over here wondering where the Lammy love is. That's okay, I'll keep the kino to myself if that's the case.

Dojo, casino...it's all in the mind...

Yeah, that's right! My guitar's in my mind!


...Now if you'll excuse me I'll prepare for the filter when the Vib-Ribbon fans show up to lambast me for picking this over it....
Ape Escape
Ape Escape

Game Title: Ape Escape
Genre: Platforming
Developer: Japan Studio
Director: Masamichi Seki
Composer: Soichi Terada

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/6PWL2T1Qu88

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/r0XoAoXo4tM


Ape Escape is something I need to try again, because for whatever reason I just....failed to come back to it. It's a shame, because I do very much enjoy it's sights and sounds. I remember being very impressed by the rainy visuals in the second Lost Land stage while playing the demo so long ago, which was after a while of figuring out that I needed to use my analog sticks to move and swing...lol. Thankfully I had one of those when I played it, not sure what would've happened if I still only had the original controller without the sticks. It deserves respect for that as well, and I do quite like the use of the monkey's helmets as a clear visual cue for what their alert status is.

I'm very bad at music genres outside of the Metal space, I'm not sure exactly what the use of repetitive samples and beats is considered in this game, but it's quite relaxing. I'm listening to this as we speak while I'm trying to badly write my feelings on these games.

Game Title: Einhänder
Genre: Scrolling Shooting
Developer: Square
Director: Tatsuo Fuji
Composer: Kenichiro Fukui

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/oclRt-7p6us

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/8JfsyfLzmDM

BONUS Remix Album: https://youtu.be/Q7MYJfq0amM


Einhander captured my heart pretty quickly through demo discs I gained as a kid, the flight through the city at the beginning of the game and shooting down ships while flying across the highway before fighting the first boss is kind of a permanent etching onto my cerebrum. I believe this was the first game to give me a liking towards certain styles of techno/trance, but the track "Thermosphere" is probably one of my favorites to come out of this era.

No doubt thanks to the piano, it's always the piano.
Spyro the Dragon
Spyro the Dragon

Game Title: Spyro the Dragon
Genre: Platforming
Developer: Insomniac
Director: ???
Composer: Stewart Copeland

Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrVKjNR0-SE

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/i08gE5EVKmM


Spyro is a bit of a personal pick for many reasons, but visually it always captured my imagination. It's whimsical skyboxes and lower-quality background mountains instantly bring the feeling of fantasy, and the care-free dialogue fits right in as a children's fairy tale. Stewart Copeland knocks it out of the park with his use of bell-like chimes and organs blending it with a hint of guitar noise to bring in the notion that Spyro is indeed "Badass Adorable".

It never fails to bring my smile back...I always believed in you Spyro.
Jumping Flash!
Jumping Flash!

Game Title: Jumping Flash
Genre: Platforming
Developer: Exact, Ultra
Director: Koji Tada
Composer: Takeo Miratsu

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/rAONnDAYJOE

Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yfUsGA13tY&t=311s


Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but all I can think of for Jumping Flash is "TONS OF FUN" and playground vibe. Not gonna lie, if I had the opportunity to be a robot rabbit that spends it's time jumping several stories into the air constantly I would absolutely take the transformation.

I want to be a robo rabbit.....

Slap Happy Rhythm Busters
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters

Game Title: Slap Happy Rhythm Busters
Genre: Fighting/Rhythm
Developer: Polygon Magic
Director: ???
Composer(s): Many Artists

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/He7o74OpqB4

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/l4OsI9_pdls


Potentially the most unhinged entry on the list? I first heard of SHRB from watching Super Best Friends Fisticuffs (RIP), and my first thought was "wow, Jet Set Radio Fighting!" and I was shocked to find out it was a PS1 game and not something on Dreamcast. The use of cel-shading on this system is something else, it's a very timeless look that I wish would be used more often.

All of this and I'm not even talking about the crazy music, just go up there and go through all the contributions from artists on this game's soundtrack. It's not the best fighter, but goddamn.....memorable within seconds of playing....that is true style.
Armored Core
Armored Core

Game Title: Armored Core
Genre: Third-Person Shooting/Mech Simulation
Developer: FromSoftware
Director: Toshifumi Nabeshima
Composer(s): Keiichiro Segawa, Masaru Tateyama

Gameplay: https://youtu.be/t5T3qScKWrE

Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/jPJGLshn_KY


It's probably good timing that I would give this the nod, but the ability to build my own mech and take it on missions was such a huge concept for me when I played the demo many moons ago. Most of the storyline stuff was lost on me back then, I just wanted to boost around shooting things while slicing robots in half with my laser blade. Say what you will about how much it "aged", but From really got down the feeling of piloting a mech. It was like a dream come true, and this was before I even watched stuff like Gundam or Big O on Toonami.

At long last...Armored Core is back. Welcome back Raven...


1 year ago

Silent Hill looks incredible who in the name of God thinks otherwise

1 year ago

I wanna say low poly haters in general, it saddens me a lot.

1 year ago

I appreciate the commitment to the bit

1 year ago

Something tells me I should've put the same amount of effort into my actual entry.....ah well....perhaps another time I get bored overnight.

1 year ago

Sorry I can't play Jumping Flash Vee (it's in first person) :(

1 year ago

@archagent I understand! I've unfortunately been getting affected by fast-paced FPS games a bunch, it's why I can't really play Doom-likes anymore after Powerslave Exhumed made me uneasy after about 15 minutes of gametime.

1 year ago

Rival Schools is a really charming little 3D PS1 fighter, the models and backgrounds have jank but they're earnest and the core gameplay is super fun. Also the Japanese version had an entire character creator and visual novel mode which is kind of awesome

1 year ago

I've debated getting the Japanese version of Rival Schools for too long, because goddamn is the NA release a fucking investment.

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