"If the laws of physics no longer apply in the future, god help you."

Holy shit. This game took everything from the first game and just elevated it to the next level in every way possible. The puzzles, the lore expansion, the updated presentation. And by god, this game is so freaking witty with the dialogue. As a sucker for hilarious writing, this game hits all the right spots and then some. It will definitely force you to think on the fly in various occasions. I'd replay it again for the characters any time. The Co-Op is equal parts fun n' funny depending on who you team up with.

"This is the end! Kirby! Come meet your doom!" - Meta Knight, from Revenge of Meta Knight.

A major Kirby classic given a marvelous upgrade. This SNES turned DS game was a major milestone for the Kirby series by allowing for fully fleshed out copy abilities. You can do so much with one power now! The mini-game anthology of various storylines both old and new leave this as one of the best Kirby games on the Dual Screen!

"Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life. No change rule." - Ayla.

This timeless classic of an RPG was made a reality by the absolute biggest "dream team" of Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball, RIP to the GOAT), Yuji Horii (Dragon Quest), and Hironobu Sakaguchi (Final Fantasy). The plot and characters of this game hold up fantastically several years later, both having a lot of depth to them. For an old SNES game, it has a lot to throw at you. It's amongst Square's best yet for a damn good reason!

"Life starts with a sunny day! Let's feel our ocean breath! We are crusin' ocean seas! Can't wait for a New Venture!" - A New Venture, the Title Theme.

Entry number two of the marvelously underrated Rush Trilogy still gives the adrenaline filled 2D platforming I've really been looking for from the Blue Hedgie's repertoire. This game, along with it's siblings (Rush and Colors DS), are the original masterminds of the now infamous Boost formula. The top notch platforming originating from the dream team of Sonic Team and Dimps just feels fantastic to blur through. Add an amazing soundtrack and fun nautical themed minigames in between and you've got a solid 2D package. To any Sonic fan stumbling upon this review, check out the Sonic Rush Trilogy if you haven't already! You're missing out on something way past cool!


The enhanced second of SNK's shoot'em up arcade goodies offers up a boombastic joyride I'm not looking to hop off from. That gameplay, so explosive! And oh my god the spritework! That 5-star level spritework baby! No amount of deaths are gonna stop me from coming back everytime. The tasteful reference to Independence Day's "HELLO BOY'S! I'M BAAAACK!!!" will never not be funny to me several replays later.

"ONE MORE GOD REJECTED!" - The Demi-Fiend probably after hitting a critical focus-boosted Freikugel attack.

This brutally difficult behemoth of an RPG somehow manages craft together a brilliant experience I certainly wouldn't reject. As my first proper "real SMT game", I can see why some call it the Dark Souls of JRPGs. The Press-Turn System is one of my favorites to play around with, even despite seeming so simple yet complex. The strategy element this game has really allowed me to better appreciate all the way you can bust demon ass (and vice-versa.). Yes, I assure you, there is indeed a game beyond the Matador boss fight guys. Go for the True Demon ending, you'll get to embrace the full package as well.

It even features Dante from the Devil May Cry series...

"It takes UNDERSTANDING to accept it as a whole, KNOWLEDGE to set the proper pace, COURAGE to attack the mountain of meat, and DEDICATION to keep on eating. All of these skills are needed to finish off the MEGA BEEF BOWL!" - That character from the Specialist dance, 2011.

My first Persona (and MegaTen by proxy) game. Truly the happiest vibe for what is basically a murder mystery. Tune in tonight on the Midnight Channel for a solid JRPG! It's a marathon I can absolutely get behind watching. This marvelous story, bundled with a good cast, a damn good soundtrack, and fun gameplay truly makes for a Golden experience indeed. I assure you all that the title isn't lying!

"Poyo~!" - The last words that a random enemy hears moments before meeting Sakurai's star child.

Kirby's adventure on the wii turned Switch title still tickles me maximum pink to this day! This game is always my bestest dream friend ever! Hal's paramount title always brings me a smile I'll gladly return with no cost. The ability selection is still tight, with newcomers Sand and Mecha being welcome surprises. And seeing how Magolor went about changing careers to a micro transaction manager was an pufftastic bonus. This game really set a good standard that it's successors have followed to T. And that's not even getting to the core lore of this series....

"Go and do not falter, my child!" - The Hero's Shade, formerly known as the Hero of Time.

My first exposure to Zelda has left quite an impact on me hasn't it? Sorry Midna, but I didn't buy this game just for you....okay maybe a little bit. This spiritual successor to the N64 games is one I remember quite fondly. Channeling Link's inner furry was a fun twist I could get behind as well!

"Where's everyone going? Bingo?" - Leon S. Kennedy, after nearly dying to a chainsaw.

Now THIS is the good shit. Still one of the uncontested kings of the zombie genre. Both it and the remake. You know you've got something good when even organizing your inventory feels satisfying as hell. The regenerator's breathing still haunts me to this day though...


The true grandpappy of all FPS games. Wolfenstein 3D walked so that DOOM (1993) could run. That fast paced action was unreal at the time and it still is. I commend John Romero and his team for making the code for this game to be open source. It's campaign is still a masterclass in its design. Now go show those hellish bastards who the real boss is!

"It is good day to be not DED" - A random Heavy moments before becoming dead.

The ultimate sandbox experience right here. Gamemodes, poster making, animation, and workshop content galore. Gmod is a goldmine of content making right here going 20 years strong!

"Do I please thee, good sirrah? Am I fair in thine eyes? Then mayhap thou wouldst accept from me a heartfelt puff-puff?"

The Grandfather of everything RPG is back baby! Akira Toriyama's (RIP to the GOAT) second claim to fame in video game form is still fantastic to this day. The ol' turn-based formula has never let me down to this day and DQ11 shows that it can still kick ass with a critical hit! Simplicity has never felt so good! The supreme form of the 11th release is absolutely packed with content up the wazoo! All of the playable cast members have some fantastic lines and moments, with Erik, Sylvando, and Jade being my favorites. And it is nice to hear the soundtrack in its orchestral form, a welcome change from the original. Both this and 8 are amongst the most fantastic and charming RPG titles to this day!

"Talk about low-budget flights. No food or movies? I’m out of here! I like running better."

Sega's final swansong to the Dreamcast, turned gateway to the realm of third parties. This particular title holds the position of favorite Sonic game in my books. The character development, stages, and music all hold up very well to this day, even if some clunky-ness gets in the way of things.

"Kill all sons a bitches." - Ellis Left 4 Dead 2009

One of the few zombie games I can absolutely get behind in the infestation of terrible horror survivals in this genre. 13 years later, and this co-op shooter still carries god-tier levels of replayability. And that isn't tackling the goldmine that is the Steam Workshop.