"It takes UNDERSTANDING to accept it as a whole, KNOWLEDGE to set the proper pace, COURAGE to attack the mountain of meat, and DEDICATION to keep on eating. All of these skills are needed to finish off the MEGA BEEF BOWL!" - That character from the Specialist dance, 2011.

My first Persona (and MegaTen by proxy) game. Truly the happiest vibe for what is basically a murder mystery. Tune in tonight on the Midnight Channel for a solid JRPG! It's a marathon I can absolutely get behind watching. This marvelous story, bundled with a good cast, a damn good soundtrack, and fun gameplay truly makes for a Golden experience indeed. I assure you all that the title isn't lying!

"It is time once again for Simon Belmont to call forth the powers of good to aid him in his battle. Armed with his mystical whip, his courage and the centuries-old knowledge of Belmont family training, he sets forth on his mission..."

Come fellow Vaniacs! We are getting into some goodness right here baby! That "Super" in the title is earned for a damn reason here. Back when Konami was worth a damn, their recycling of the first game's concept and plot proved to be fantastic. The gameplay and environment are absolutely fantastic. That omnidirectional whip will do so much wonders for you! You feel like a badass the moment you step through that drawbridge gate as Simon's theme plays in the background! And I can thank the 3DS eShop (and later Anniversary collection) for introducing me to this game, and by extension, the Castlevania series as a whole!

"I'm Joker the Joke." - The P5 protagonist upon meeting Student called Yoshizawa.

I can see why many people were advocating for this game's greatness. And as someone who has actually played the damn game (and even somehow 100% all the Steam achievements on my first run), I had the time of my life playing through Persona 5. The jump in the presentation quality alone is its own kind of art, right down to the freaking sexy menu UI. I really appreciated seeing all the characters awaken to their Persona's instead of letting the protagonist steal the thunder. And the extra content that Royal brings to the table was really interesting to speak, I'm surprised it wasn't used as the basis for the next Persona. While it is a somewhat easy RPG, don't let that change your heart on Persona 5 Royal, as it allowed the series to further stand amongst other RPG titans! The soundtrack alone (like with many Persona games, its basically a given at this point.) is just spoiling us too.

"All...things...MUST SLEEP" - Antasma, The Year of Luigi.

If dreams are as action packed as this, then fall asleep I shall! AlphaDream strikes again with their 3DS entry. The 4th tale sees a nice jump in the visual presentation that allows for a more vivid style. And carrying over from the 3rd comes the 3D and 2D locales to explore. The battle system is as fun as ever with the Dream world offering a unique twist painted mean green. Antasma is another fantastic Mario RPG villain worthy of standing along the others. I loved the added spectacle of the Giant Battles as well. And with Yoko Shimomura masterminding the musical elements again, you can expect a whole collection's worth of dreamy melodies. And I appreciate the way Luigi himself was handled, with his Luigination powers at work to support his brother through the journey, that right there is true sibling love. While some tutorials can really drag in some areas, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team absolutely shows its worth as another fantastic Mario RPG experience I can always fantasize about in my sleep.

"A young man with Belmont blood. He uses the Vampire Killer, a magical whip passed down in the Morris family, and is active as a vampire hunter." - Description of John Morris, one of the playable characters in this game.

Otherwise known as "Castlevania: The New Generarion" for those in the EU, the never ending quest against the Vampire Lord and his endless supply of minions makes their debut on the Sega Genesis. I first played this arcade-like on the Anniversary Collection and it is my second favorite game in that bundle besides Super Castlevania IV. The soundtrack is amongst the series greats and the colorful atmosphere stands proud with its SNES brethren in my opinion. I also like seeing more playable characters a la John Morris, with traditional whip action and a welcome newcomer in Eric Lecarde, with his equally badass spear. This game follows closely in the original's pick-up-and-play style of 6 fun stages to traverse through. Short and sweet this game may be, it is another solid entry in the Vampire Killer saga!

"The Last Metroid Is In Captivity. The Galaxy Is At Peace..." - Results determined that was a lie.

Met-, sorry spoilers, I mean Sammy's third escapade with Nintendo is where her space adventures really hit their stride! As my first exposure to the series via the 3DS's e-Shop, I can see how it was a genre defining experience. It did Baby Yoda and Mando way before it was even a thing and this game proudly stands with Castlevania as the pioneers of the Metroidvania genre to this day! The set pieces and gameplay are still fun to play in.

"Do I please thee, good sirrah? Am I fair in thine eyes? Then mayhap thou wouldst accept from me a heartfelt puff-puff?"

The Grandfather of everything RPG is back baby! Akira Toriyama's (RIP to the GOAT) second claim to fame in video game form is still fantastic to this day. The ol' turn-based formula has never let me down to this day and DQ11 shows that it can still kick ass with a critical hit! Simplicity has never felt so good! The supreme form of the 11th release is absolutely packed with content up the wazoo! All of the playable cast members have some fantastic lines and moments, with Erik, Sylvando, and Jade being my favorites. And it is nice to hear the soundtrack in its orchestral form, a welcome change from the original. Both this and 8 are amongst the most fantastic and charming RPG titles to this day!

"The MEAT ON THE BONE!" - Hajimemes Hinata, Ultimate ???, 2012.

One ticket for a trip to Jabberwock Island please! Following up the Killing School Life, DR2 offers more fun, more mystery, more characters to love/hate, and an equally cool storyline. I digged the tropical locations as much as did Hope's Peak, and the characters alone are worth a good playthrough. It's kinda hard to follow the "No Attachment" rule the community throws around so much when there's bound to be someone to connect with. The twists you'll get through this are fantastic through and through, it is tied with V3 (and other games) amongst my favorite visual novels of all time!

"I AM MORE THAN A ROBOT!! DIE WILY!!" - Mega Man post Wily Capsule 7.

While Mega Man X set a new formula that absolutely rocked, Classic was here to show that he's still got what it takes to stand proud with his successor. Mega Man 7 is a bit underrated from what it seems, but the setup here is absolutely charming. The weapon and boss lineup here is amongst my favorite in the classic series, and I like the added touch of extra collectibles like the Rush Adapter to enhance the experience. The introduction of Bass to the cast was also pretty nice too! And as uncharacteristic as it was for Mega Man to say that line, I'd probably wanna blast Wily a new one if I fought the Wily Capsule 7 myself.


Somewhere, beneath the sea, there lies an Atlantic apocalypse just waiting to be explored. This game embodies a sense of "relaxed badassery" as I like to dub it. The customization that the plasmids offer you allows for so many ways to for you to adjust your journey into Rapture. It also has a sense of importance regarding the ability for one to make your own choice. The story is fantastic too, with some clever political tie-ins too. I like the commentary that the superpowers can provide and the aesthetics never get old just looking at them. It is another treasured FPS experience to behold, even several replays later.

"Go and do not falter, my child!" - The Hero's Shade, formerly known as the Hero of Time.

My first exposure to Zelda has left quite an impact on me hasn't it? Sorry Midna, but I didn't buy this game just for you....okay maybe a little bit. This spiritual successor to the N64 games is one I remember quite fondly. Channeling Link's inner furry was a fun twist I could get behind as well!

"Looks like I'm plumber out of luck!" - Mario, from the [REDACTED].

Third times the charm they say. 3 really IS the magic number. And Mario 3 is absolutely magical. It's on record as one of Mr. Video's best for a reason, setting a standard for his 2-Delicious platforming journeys going forward. It helped revolutionize the Mario formula. Advance 4, in my opinion is the most supreme form of this game, taking what's already great, and expanding upon it even further with the E-Reader content. This 127 level behemoth will always be one of my go-to Mario platformers.

"Where's everyone going? Bingo?" - Leon S. Kennedy, after nearly dying to a chainsaw.

Now THIS is the good shit. Still one of the uncontested kings of the zombie genre. Both it and the remake. You know you've got something good when even organizing your inventory feels satisfying as hell. The regenerator's breathing still haunts me to this day though...

"Talk about low-budget flights. No food or movies? I’m out of here! I like running better."

Sega's final swansong to the Dreamcast, turned gateway to the realm of third parties. This particular title holds the position of favorite Sonic game in my books. The character development, stages, and music all hold up very well to this day, even if some clunky-ness gets in the way of things.


The true grandpappy of all FPS games. Wolfenstein 3D walked so that DOOM (1993) could run. That fast paced action was unreal at the time and it still is. I commend John Romero and his team for making the code for this game to be open source. It's campaign is still a masterclass in its design. Now go show those hellish bastards who the real boss is!