39 Reviews liked by WerkelijkJesse

Finished in 2023

I was pleasantly surprised by this installment. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna like the chapter system for all the protaganists, but I loved it. Akiyama is easily became one of my all time favorite characters of the franchise. Not a big fan of the side quest tracking system of this one though.

the stories felt disconnected so i don't really see the reason why these people would stick together -- but that would be my only critique.

if you love a good old fashioned jrpg, this is the game for you. though, slightly overpriced for a game that already has a sequel out.

Finished in 2023 on steamdeck

Just finished my first playthrough playing as a drow circle of the spores druid. I have about a thousand thoughts about this game, but all I can say now: this has easily become one of my favourite games of all time. There’s so much content and even after about 120 hours: i am no where near being bored of it. The replayablity is insane, i feel like i’ve only scratched the surface. I’m definitely starting a new playthrough.

100% done, so no dandori issues here!
Truely a wonderful game and got me hooked till the very end. Everything was so much fun to do and the challenges in the end were fair, but you really had to plan out your moves. Overal a very solid experience with a bunch of new creative ideas and most content of all pikmin games!

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
++ Gameplay;
Previous games I played with gyro pointer controls, so it took a bit to get used to the new controls here. Once I got the hang of it with the auto-lock and lots of new options with Oatchi, it became pretty nice.
Speaking of Oatchi, I'm a bit mixed about it. It truely adds a lot of new things to the game, but at the same time makes it a bit too easy. Enemies die faster and objects up to 100 pikmin van easily be picked up. On the other hand it also adds new puzzels when you're locked out from using Oatchi. In the end it just really adds something fresh and new.
The worlds, millions of objects/enemies and new material gathering techniques are very nice. They all feel unique in their own way and it's truely fun and satisfying to collect everything there is.
The night mode was maybe my least favorite new addition to the game. That doesn't mean it's bad, on the contrary, it was really fun as well. It's simply a tower defense game in which you have to go as fast as you can.
Several challenges have ranks from bronze to platina. Usually I'm not a fan at all to try to get platina at every challenge, but it was different for this game. Each challenge was unique enough to not get bored. Also they felt fair in a way that you didn't have to look up how to get platina for certain challenges. If you like the game, I really recommend trying to do some the best you can.

+ Music;
The music really fits the environment and vibe it wants to portrait. It's nothing special, but also you won't get tired of hearing it. I only wish it was a bit more memorable. There is only 1 song that will stick with you. If you played the game you probably know which one I'm talking about.

++ Graphics;
Stunning, especially for a game on the switch. The new perspective really adds to how you experience the game. Really wish they had a camera mode, so you can take clean screenshots.

+ Story/Characters;
At first I was a bit annoyed there was so much tekst. I like the idea of being alone on an unknown planet trying to survive. But this game really added world building to the pikmin franchise, with funny dialogue and characters of all shapes and sizes. Good thing there was a skip button, because sometimes they were repeating themselves a bit too much.

Yes, especially if you've never played a pikmin game before. Probably the best game to start with.
Sadly the co-op in this game isn't good, so for that I recommend playing pikmin 3 deluxe.

I started this game by accident. Was just scrolling through the NSO games and booted it up. The game's artstyle always looked very interesting to me and this is also the reason why I decided to keep playing it. Overal a fun zelda game, which I'm very picky with. Zelda is either hit or miss for me.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Game has some really good and bad gameplay. I really like the different items you get, it gives a little bit of a Metroidvania vibe. Also turning small is a very interesting mechanic but wish they did more with it. Like how m&l Bowser's inside story combines big and small in one battle.
What I disliked is that some puzzles or boss fights made no sense. The book missions I couldn't complete without searching a guide. Also the boss fight with the giant shooter enemy was weird. You had to reflect his bullets, but when he hits himself by bouncing bullets off the wall, it did zero damage. There was nothing that gave any hint you had to do that.

+ Music;
Already nostalgic.

++ Graphics;
Love this. Probably favorite artstyle from any Zelda game. The detailed environment when you turn small is extremely nice.

+ Story/Characters;
It's what you can expect from a Zelda game. I like the companion hat bird, funny fella.

You can always give it a try if you have NSO. One of the few 2D Zelda I like and I've tried a LOT of them.

I really am not smart enough for puzzle games like this. Some were really satisfying to complete and some took me atleast an hour to then look up how to solve it...

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
What it does, it does right. The balance between harder and easier levels seem balanced to me. I only wish the game had a hint option or something, instead of just completely skipping a level if you get stuck.
198 levels (excluding the bonus ones), is a nice amount to have as a base.

-- Music;
There was sadly only 1 song that kept on playing. Really wish every world or theme had their own song.

+ Graphics;
They're fine, nothing impossible or special. Main character do be a funny little man.

+- Story/Characters;
Nothing to mention. Solve puzzles to reach the top. Would be funny if it had dating sim elements like Catherine.

If you're into puzzle games, for sure. Other than that it's probably too much hassle to get the game legally.

Pizza Tower has once again shown me that indie developers just know how to make a game fun. It is without a doubt one of the best games I've ever played. The whacky and sometimes creepy atmosphere and graphics fit perfectly to the gameplay, and had me grinning while racing through every level. From audio and visual stimuli to its chaotic gameplay, this game is truly handcrafted to perfection.

Even though the game throws you into new powerups and enemies constantly, you never feel lost or confused, because they are all introduced to you so clearly and maticulously that you immediately know what to do.

Afterwards, when the game has confirmed your understanding, it ramps up incredibly quickly, making you feel like you're mastering it at lightning speed. And boy does it feel amazing to go fast in this game! Enemies stop hurting you because they get scared, allowing you to rampage through them and only stopping when you want to (or by running into the occasional wall).

This is all accompanied by an impressively tight control scheme, that really only fails you if you use a Switch Pro Controller with drift like I did. Moves within moves are gradually added to your arsenal to make you easily transition between jumping, running and diving, raising the skill cap to the maximum.

If you for some reason ever get bored of going fast, the bosses provide a great break. I would argue two of them are a little too RNG-heavy, but that did not ruin their fun at all. A little inconsistency in the sea of dependability doesn't hurt as a change of pace.

Mastering Pizza Tower is so satisfying, too. I never felt like I didn't stand a chance against Perfect ranks or other level-bound achievements. I bet that the developers went out of their way to make perfection feel possible to encourage you to achieve it.

This game has quickly become one of my top 15, and will stay there for a long while to come. I don't think any platformer will match its magnificence for years. Although I was sweating and swearing through its chaos, I will forever remember Pizza Tower as the glorious platformer that it is.

Gorogoa is certainly an imaginative and original puzzle game. I have never played a perspective-changing game that functions much like a jiggsaw puzzle, and it was quite satisfying and fun.

I must warn you, it is too short for its full price. Therefore, I advise people to get it on Steam sale if possible. It took me just under 2 hours to 100%, which is a bit disappointing to me.

Despite its originality, Stacklands does not satisfy as much I hoped it would. The gameplay somewhere in the middle of the game (after you’ve set up a viable food source, but before traveling from the main land) is probably the most enjoyable; you get ways to automate your supplies, grow your military, and set up your board of cards in a clean and manageable way. However, before and after the midway point, you’re basically just managing the cards that get thrown around due to limited space and enemies/animals.

One of my biggest gripes with the game is the fact that every card looks pretty much the same except for 6 colours and hard to discern card art. Many more colours could have been introduced to clarify card types, and the font and art could have definitely been made clearer as well. Thankfully, you’re able to zoom in and out while pausing the game’s cycle to look at the cards more closely at your own pace.

If you’re into sorting cards and collecting a boatload of them in an encyclopedia of sorts, you will definitely enjoy this game. If you’re going in with the expectation of a fun Roguelike experience like I did, you will be disappointed. I finished the game 100% in meagre 2 runs, and did not feel like going to any of the cursed lands of the DLC either because they do not add any value.

This DLC (which is already out, so please ignore the TBD release date on Backloggd) is not worth its price at all. Yes, you are introduced to more cards and quests, but these do not add value to your main playthrough in any way. The cursed lands are unfun challenges that only disctract from the main game.

Miles better than Frog Detective 1 and 2 simply because of the introduction of the little scooter! I actually enjoyed this one, so I’m happy that the third installment wasn’t a let-down like the first two.

Frog Detective 2 is only slightly better than the first, and funnier too. I still wish I hadn’t spent my money on this but they’re quite wholesome so whatever I guess. I would love for Frog Detective 3 to continue Evil Guy’s storyline, then my money would be worth it.

Even though Frog Detective 1 oozes with the personality of its creator, I simply cannot recommend it due to its price. The game is painfully short and simple, allowing you to finish and 100% it in under 30 minutes. And the magnifying glass is just a funny prop? Why not put some stuff in there that actually needs magnification? I guess there is no need when the game is carried by humour alone. I did chuckle a couple of times, but sadly I think I threw away some money with this one…