It's crazy that they got the guy who voiced Colonel Campbell in Metal Gear Solid to voice Grandpa Max in this game.

GTAV is a pretty good game up until the part where you wake up from your trance and realize that the gameplay is outdated, there's nothing to do, the story and writing is a myopic edgy waste of time and effort. Instead of playing GTAV, you could punch yourself in the cock and balls, and every time you punch them, you should say "god I'm so much cooler than all of those sheeple out there." until you orgasm.

As long as you play the version without any building the game is actually pretty fun, it's like a toybox of a bunch of cute ideas all working together.

A good game to play if you want to become the legendary Venom Snake.

Edmund McMillen should be locked up in a dungeon and never allowed to call himself a "game designer" ever again. Every design decision feels like it was done so as a joke laughing in the face of a fun user experience. Also, too many poop jokes.

Extremely charming game with layers of interesting platforming and physics puzzles to think about.

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Interesting horror game about getting your life back together after a bad relationship only to be trapped in a different, loveless, IKEA-based relationship.

Well designed and thorough castlevania type game, the only annoying thing is that the "true ending" is locked behind a convoluted set of steps which the game never really requires at any other point, so if you're not well-versed in the genre it's pretty frustrating.


DOOM is a good game which I remember fondly but if you were one of the people saying "DOOM is the first person shooter for real first person shooter fans" then you should probably never speak about video games or anything whatsoever for the rest of your worthless life. As somebody who actually plays FPS games there are a lot of stray hairs, such as the FOV being so limited and most of the controls being unable to be rebound, which anybody who's played more than 2 video games in their entire life should be able to point out. Still, it's worth playing.

Good game but they should really have updated it by now to make Kleiner have bigger breasts, I mean think about it right, if you were a head scientist at Black Mesa, and you had to survive the occupation of your planet by an alien empire, you'd probably need to eat food right? And hypothetically, if there were 2 versions of you, one which could drink their own breast milk and one which couldn't, the former would be much more likely to survive, right?

Great game but make sure to play the 1.3 version if you can, sadly the game developers overdosed on soymilk and so for Terraria 1.4 they butchered the new-player and returning-player experience in so many ways that it's sad. Also, it's crazy to think this was the first video game ever made to have zombies in it, you'd think for being the first ever game with zombies they'd be a bit annoying, but actually, they're pretty alright.

Terrible game horribly paced bad platforming unsatisfying combat, maybe next time instead of making a game where you can upgrade your items over 10,000 hours to make them work well, you should make your game feel good to play. I'd rather play Clash of Clans, I'd rather play Monopoly. Utter filth.

Despite being the premier idle game which everybody thinks of, it actually sucks and if it wasn't for how charming the aesthetic is, it would be left in the garage bin where it belongs.

A masterpiece of game design, this is the peak of clicker-games, if I ever meet the person who made it I'd shake their hand and say "thank you [NAME] for making Universal Paperclips, it's a game that means a lot to me, because it's so good.

This is the ultimate 6/10 video game, this is the potato chips of video games, you could watch a real-estate advertisement and it would feel IDENTICAL to playing this game. I 100%ed it and it felt great good job guys.